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How do I find the right consultant surgeon in the UK?

Regardless of whether you’ve chosen to have your surgery privately or via the NHS, there is no shortage of surgeons to choose from. Experience, qualifications, and patient reviews should all be considered when researching the best consultant for you.

How do I find an NHS consultant?

Unfortunately, the NHS doesn’t currently have a UK-wide directory service that houses all UK-based consultants and their contact details. However, searching by hospital or region can yield helpful results. For example, if you live in Northamptonshire, a comprehensive NHS consultants list can be found at the Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

More information for NHS patients about choosing a consultant can be found on the Your choices in the NHS page.

How do I find a private consultant in the UK?

Your first stop is to do a private consultant search. Ratings and directory sites like Doctify are great resources to use as they aren’t attached to a specific healthcare provider. It will provide an unbiased list of private medical consultants by location, specialty, and experience, with extra information like patient and colleague reviews included too.

How to choose a private consultant?

You should choose a consultant surgeon who is highly qualified and experienced in performing the procedure you need. Research is a key piece of homework when choosing the right surgeon for your needs.

Alongside experience and patient care records, you should check whether a consultant has received any specialist training in the type of treatment you require.

One fundamental requirement is that consultants should be registered with the General Medical Council (GMC). A doctor cannot legally practise in the UK without being on this specialist register.

Our guides below provide more detailed information on choosing the right for you.

Compare private consultant fees

Some private hospitals may charge different fees for the same procedure depending on the consultant.

At Practice Plus Group, however, we pride ourselves on our fixed pricing. A private consultation costs just £95. This price is inclusive of diagnostic tests needed such as x-rays, blood tests, and swabs and there are no hidden extra costs based on consultant experience or qualifications - the price you see is the price you’ll pay.

Compare consultant waiting times and availability

Typically, private hospital waiting times are shorter than those on the NHS. Some can be as little as a few days but the general time patients wait for their treatment is a couple of months. Consultant availability can play a part in this as some specialists work part-time hours or split their time between different hospitals. You can compare NHS and private waiting times to see a consultant in our guide.

Practice Plus Group waiting times are just 4-6 weeks. This means following your consultation, you will receive surgery in 4-6 weeks.

Find a private consultant near you

Finding and choosing a private consultant is no longer thanks to the power of the internet. The consultants featured on this page can be filtered by location and speciality to make it easier for you to make a decision. Location-specific resources such as How to find a surgeon in Birmingham and Knee specialists in Bristol provide detailed guides, taking you through the process step-by-step.

Find a hip surgery consultant

Find a knee surgery consultant

Find an eye treatment consultant

How it works

Once you’ve chosen a consultant and know which hospital you want for your treatment, it’s time to think about how to access private healthcare. Whether you’re paying for yourself or you’re covered by health insurance, we’re here to help you through it.

How to book a private consultant appointment

The next step is to book a private consultant appointment. Whether you’re paying for yourself or accessing healthcare via private health insurance, the information below will help:

Patients paying for themselves

The good news is that you don’t need a GP referral, you can self-refer. What’s more, in some of our locations, you won’t need a referral for MRI scans either.

Have a chat with our Private Patient Advisors on 0330 828 1389 for more information and to get booked in.

Patients using private medical insurance

Your insurance provider will need to give their approval and an authorisation code before you can proceed with booking a private consultation.

From blood tests to medical questions, you can find more about what to expect at a surgery consultation.

Pricing and ways to pay

With Wellsoon self-pay surgery, there are no hidden charges or costs; the price you see is the price you pay. You can find out more about the cost of private surgery on our pricing page.

When it comes to paying for your treatment, there are three ways you can do so:

If you are paying through private medical insurance, you will need to ensure your provider features on our list of approved insurers.

A word from our consultants

Nurul Ahad Izzy
Chris Waller Medical Director and orthopaedic surgeon
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Why choose a surgeon from Practice Plus Group?

At Practice Plus Group, we provide high-quality care from experienced consultants and surgeons. With state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to patient-centred care, we’re dedicated to ensuring comfort, safety, and satisfaction throughout your surgical journey.

Enough from us though, for more feedback and insight into the patient experience at Practice Plus Group, take a look at our Patient reviews.

Contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our certified surgeons and consultants.

FAQs about our medical consultants

If you still need help or want to book an appointment, our friendly advisors will be happy to answer your questions.

How long does it take to see a consultant in the NHS?

This depends on the hospital location and the current waiting list for the specific treatment you need. The NHS My Planned Care tracker is a useful tool with up-to-date waiting times.

Can you pay to see a consultant?

Yes. The cost to see a consultant varies depending on the provider and can start from around £150. Often this doesn’t include any necessary diagnostics tests such as X-rays or blood tests. At Practice Plus Group, private consultations are fixed at £95. This does include X-rays, swabs, and blood tests.

How much is a private consultant appointment?

The price of a private consultation varies depending on the healthcare provider. Some providers charge around £150-200 for an appointment. At Practice Plus Group, private consultations are fixed at £95. This includes necessary diagnostic tests such as X-rays, swabs, and blood tests.

Is it worth seeing a private consultant?

This is entirely dependent on you and your personal circumstances. Consultations with NHS hospitals are free but depending on where you are in the UK, you may have to wait a long time for one. Private consultations are generally available within a week or so of initial enquiry but will cost money. At Practice Plus Group, our consultations are fixed at £95.

Do I need a referral for a private consultation?

We want you to be able to access the treatment you need as quickly and as easily as possible. Therefore, at Practice Plus Group, you do not need a GP referral for any of our consultations accessed through self-pay. However, you may need a referral if accessing healthcare through your insurance provider. You’ll need to give them a call to find out their process.

Can I self-refer to a consultant?

Yes - if you’re paying for yourself, absolutely! Simply give us a call and get yourself booked in. In some instances, such as insurance policies or specialist services, you may need a patient referral. Get in touch with your insurer to find out more.

Can I ask my GP to refer me to a private specialist?

Of course! It’s entirely understandable that you’d want to speak with your GP for advice before making any decisions - lots of patients do the same. Our consultants are happy to receive GP referral letters and medical history which can be emailed to us at What’s more, you do not have to wait for this to be sent to us to make an appointment. Simply give our friendly advisors a call and they’ll book you in. All your paperwork will be ready for your consultant on your appointment date.

Can I see a consultant privately then have treatment on the NHS?

No, unfortunately not without starting your patient journey (also called a patient pathway) from the beginning. Having a private consultation will not fast track treatment on the NHS. In order to access treatment on the NHS, you need to have a full NHS patient pathway in order to meet the criteria for funding and treatment.

What can I expect during my consultation?

Your initial consultation is your chance to speak to a healthcare specialist. Along with an in-depth discussion about your specific issue, you can expect the consultant to carry out a physical assessment (if necessary). This may include blood tests or X-rays. The consultant is likely to ask about your medical records, including questions about pre-existing medical conditions and your family medical history. This is all in aid of providing a diagnosis.
Read our guides for more information:
What to expect at a knee consultation
What to expect at a cataract consultation