
How to find the best cataract surgeon near you

Cataracts are a common eye condition that affect many people, particularly as they age. When the clouding of the lens in your eye starts to interfere with your vision and quality of life, cataract surgery may be necessary. Finding the right cataract surgeon to perform this procedure is crucial for a successful outcome.

In the UK, there are lots of skilled surgeons capable of carrying out the surgery. This can make navigating the options feel overwhelming. This guide aims to help you find the best cataract surgeon to meet your needs and provide a positive outcome.

Elderly couple on the sofa looking for a cataract surgeon

How to choose a cataract surgeon

Take the following steps to help ensure you have selected an experienced and trustworthy private cataract surgeon.

1. Talk to your optometrist

Start by seeking recommendations from your regular eye care professional. Optometrists often have a network of specialists they collaborate with or can recommend based on their expertise and patient feedback. They can provide valuable insights and suggest reputable cataract surgeons in your area.

2. Research online

The internet is a powerful tool for researching and finding reputable cataract surgeons. Look for websites that provide lists of qualified eye surgeons, their credentials, areas of expertise, and patient reviews. Trusted medical directories and hospital websites can offer a wealth of information to help you make an informed decision.

3. Read cataract surgeon reviews

Reading reviews and testimonials from previous patients can give you a glimpse into the surgeon’s patient care, surgical skills, and overall satisfaction levels. Look for consistent positive feedback along with any recurring praises regarding the surgeon’s proficiency with cataract surgery.

Patient testimonial

“The whole process [with Practice Plus Group] was smooth, easy, thorough, efficient and slick. Everyone had a role and were busy going about it in a calm and organised way.”

Mike, 75, Practice Plus Group cataract surgery patient

4. Verify credentials and experience

Ensure that the surgeon you’re considering is fully qualified and accredited. Look for ophthalmologists who have specialised training in cataract surgery. Check their level of experience, the number of cataract surgeries they have performed, and their success rates. A well-established consultant ophthalmic surgeon with extensive experience is generally a good choice.

5. Consult multiple surgeons

Don’t be reluctant to schedule initial consultations with multiple cataract surgeons. During these appointments, you can discuss your concerns and ask any questions you may have about the procedure. You’ll also be able to assess the surgeon’s communication skills and willingness to address your queries. Comparing their approaches and recommendations will help you make an informed choice.

6. Consider referrals from friends and family

Word-of-mouth recommendations from friends or family members who have undergone cataract surgery can be highly valuable. They can share their first-hand experiences, the surgeon they chose, and any advice they may have. Personal referrals often come with an implied level of trust and reliability.

7. Check hospital affiliation

Research the private hospitals or clinics where the surgeon performs cataract surgeries. The reputation and quality of the healthcare facility can also influence your decision. Look for state-of-the-art facilities with a strong track record of successful surgeries and patient satisfaction.

Did you know?

Practice Plus Group hospitals have a 100% clean record for hospital-acquired infections and are recommended by 99% of patients.

8. Evaluate technology and techniques

Ask about the technology and techniques the surgeon employs for cataract surgery. Modern advancements can lead to better outcomes and faster recovery times. A surgeon who embraces and utilises innovative methods may offer you enhanced results.

9. Understand the costs and insurance coverage

Cataract surgery costs can vary between private providers, so it’s important to understand the financial aspect. Check if the surgeon accepts your insurance and enquire about any out-of-pocket expenses. While cost is a factor, prioritise the surgeon’s reputation and expertise to ensure the best outcome for your eyes.

At Practice Plus Group, we offer a transparent pricing policy with no hidden extras. The initial consultation costs £95. Patients wishing to proceed to surgery are charged £1,995 per eye for a Monofocal Intraocular Lens. This is over £1,000 cheaper than the UK average.

10. Trust your instincts

Ultimately, trust in your instincts. Choose a surgeon you feel comfortable with and confident in. Your relationship with your surgeon is important for a successful cataract operation experience.

Criteria to look for in a top cataract surgeon

You can use the list below as a checklist when researching the best cataract surgeon for you:

  • skills and experience – look for a surgeon who is experienced in completing cataract operations
  • training and qualifications – check the surgeon has the relevant training and certifications as well as being members of any boards or fellowships
  • specialisation – choose a surgeon that specialises in cataract surgery
  • patient-focused approach – look for a surgeon that prioritises patient care
  • success rates – ask the surgeon about their success rate performing the procedure
  • consistency of care – make sure the surgeon or consultant you see will remain the same throughout your care
  • setting realistic expectations – be wary of any surgeon who makes unrealistic claims or does not explain the potential risks and side effects of cataract surgery. It’s important to understand the risks in order to prevent infection, protect your eye and make a full recovery.

Questions to ask a cataract surgeon

Here are some crucial questions to consider before making your choice:

  • what are my treatment options?
  • is cataract surgery necessary for me at this time?
  • what are the potential risks and complications of cataract surgery?
  • how experienced are you in performing cataract surgery?
  • what type of Intraocular Lens implant (IOL) will be used?
  • what is the expected outcome of the surgery?
  • will the surgery be performed under local anaesthetic?
  • how long is the recovery process, and what should I expect during recovery?
  • will I still need to wear glasses after the surgery?
  • what preparations are required before the surgery?
  • will I experience pain during or after the surgery?
  • how long does cataract surgery take and what does it involve?
  • can I continue taking my medications before the surgery?
  • what is the cost of the surgery and what’s included?
  • is the surgery covered by my insurance?
  • can I contact you if I have questions or concerns after the surgery?

Finding the best cataract surgeons in the UK

We have a wide network of first-class surgeons and consultants working across the country. Use our website to filter by treatment, location, and language to browse surgeons in your area.

Our local cataract surgeons

We have cataract surgeons working in the following hospital locations:

Finding the best cataract surgeon near you requires careful research and consideration. Take the time to explore your options and gather information before choosing a surgeon who meets your expectations and priorities for your eye health.

At Practice Plus Group, all of our eye consultants bring a wealth of experience and qualifications when it comes to resolving eye problems. We’re trusted by the NHS and have helped thousands of people just like you access excellent healthcare services.

Your vision is invaluable. Make the best choice for a brighter, clearer future.
