Our reports

Quality Accounts

Download the Practice Plus Group Quality Account for 2023-2024

Download the Practice Plus Group Quality Account for 2022-2023

Download the Practice Plus Group Quality Account for 2021-2022

Download the Practice Plus Group Quality Account for 2020-2021

View our Health in Justice specific Quality Account 2020-2021

Please note Practice Plus Group rebranded from Care UK in 2020.

Download the Care UK Quality Account for 2019-2020

Download the Care UK Quality Account for 2018 – 2019

Download the Care UK Equality and Diversity Annual Report for 2018

Download the Care UK Quality Account for 2017 â€“ 2018

Download the Care UK Quality Account for 2016 – 2017 

Download the Care UK Quality Account for 2015 – 2016

Download the Care UK Quality Account for 2014 – 2015

Download the Care UK Quality Account for 2013 – 2014

Download the Care UK Health Care Quality Account for 2013

Download the UK Specialist Hospitals Quality Account for 2013

Download the Care UK Quality Account for 2012

Download the Care UK Quality Account for 2011

Gender Pay Gap Reports

We like to be transparent. The following data is presented in accordance with our legal obligations in relation to the Gender Pay Gap Regulations. You can find the same information on the gender pay gap service. Any questions about this report? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2023 – Practice Plus Group, Urgent Care Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2023 – Practice Plus Group, Health and Rehabilitation Services Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2023 snapshot – Practice Plus Group, Hospitals Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2023 snapshot – Practice Plus Group, Health and Rehabilitation Services Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2023 snapshot – Practice Plus Group, Urgent Care Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2022 – Practice Plus Group, Hospitals Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2022 – Practice Plus Group, Urgent Care Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2022 – Practice Plus Group, Health and Rehabilitation Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2021 – Practice Plus Group, Hospitals Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2021 – Practice Plus Group, Urgent Care Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2021 – Practice Plus Group, Health and Rehabilitation Limited

Please note Practice Plus Group rebranded from Care UK in 2020.

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2020 – Care UK Clinical Services Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2020 – Care UK Urgent Care Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2020 – Health and Rehabilitation Services Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2019 – Care UK Clinical Services Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2019 – Care UK Urgent Care Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2019 – Health and Rehabilitation Services Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2018 â€“ Care UK Clinical Services Limited

Download the Gender Pay Gap Report for 2018 â€“ Care UK Urgent Care Limited

NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES)

Implementing the Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) is a requirement for NHS commissioners and NHS healthcare providers including independent organisations like us. Here are our annual WRES reports. If you have any questions about these reports, do not hesitate to contact us.

Download WRES 2019/20

Download WRES 2018/19

Download WRES 2017/18

Our Modern Slavery Statement

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our policy below reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all of our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.

Download our Modern Slavery and and human trafficking policy statement