Private hernia surgery – costs and care

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At Practice Plus Group we offer fast access to high-quality hernia repair surgery and treatment via self-pay, insured and NHS routes across the UK. Read our patient guides to find out how to get treatment near you:

Hernia operation waiting times: NHS v private

With regards to the NHS, waiting times may vary depending on the type of hernia surgery you need, hospital location, and the availability of surgeons. The table below provides an illustration of the current NHS waiting times at a selection of hospitals around England.

Region of NHS EnglandName of hospitalCurrent waiting time for consultationCurrent waiting time for treatmentTotal current waiting time
East of EnglandBedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust21 weeks22 weeks43 weeks
North-westEast Cheshire NHS Trust8 weeks19 weeks27 weeks
North-east and YorkshireCounty Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust14 weeks18 weeks32 weeks
South-westSalisbury NHS Foundation Trust25 weeks23 weeks48 weeks
South-eastRoyal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust9 weeks16 weeks25 weeks
MidlandsNorthampton General Hospital NHS Trust23 weeks23 weeks46 weeks
LondonRoyal Free London NHS Foundation Trust20 weeks24 weeks44 weeks
*Prices correct as of 14th March 2025

When it comes to private hernia operation waiting times, the main difference to the NHS is they’re typically shorter – sometimes by weeks or even months. With Wellsoon from Practice Plus Group, you’ll have your hernia repair surgery 4-6 weeks after your initial consultation.

What is a hernia?

Hernias happen when an internal part of the body pushes through a weakness in the surrounding muscle wall or tissue.

Hernias can happen anywhere in your body, but they can be found most commonly between your chest and hips. A hernia forms a lump which you should be able to push back in and which disappears when you lie down. The lump may appear if you cough or strain.

There are four main types of hernia:

  • Inguinal hernias are where fatty tissue or part of your bowel pokes through into your groin area. It is the most common type of hernia; it mainly affects men and is associated with ageing and repeated strain on the abdomen.
  • Femoral hernias are less common but present in similar ways to inguinal hernias – and they affect more women than men.
  • Umbilical hernias are where the lump appears near the belly button. It is most common in babies although adults can also be affected, mainly as the result of repeated strain.
  • Hiatus hernias happen when part of your stomach squeezes up into your chest through a weak spot in your diaphragm. This sort of hernia may cause heartburn in some people and is usually treated with medication. We do not offer surgery for hiatus hernias at Practice Plus Group.
  • There are other different types of hernia, including incisional hernias which may need repair.

Hear from our expert:
“You might find a bulge or lump suddenly appears when you’re lifting something heavy but disappears when you lie down. This may be painful and cause discomfort in the surrounding area.”

Chris Briggs, Consultant General Surgeon
Chris Briggs
Consultant general surgeon

How do I know if my hernia needs surgery?

For most, hernias do not present with any symptoms other than the lump itself. However, if you experience a number of symptoms including sudden, severe pain, vomiting, constipation or wind, a tenderness in the area of the hernia and being unable to push the hernia back in, this may mean that your hernia has become ‘strangulated’ and you should seek immediate medical treatment.

If you suspect you have a hernia, your first port of call should be to your GP who can assess you. They may decide that you need treatment, in which case you will be referred for a surgical consultation. As with most consultations for general surgery, this will entail a physical exam, followed by a consultant discussion about your symptoms and medical history.

Signs and symptoms of needing hernia surgery

If you experience any of the following symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention:

  • Severe pain: Experiencing severe pain in the affected area (especially if it’s accompanied by fever or nausea)
  • Swelling or discolouration: If the bulge or lump of hernia becomes red or purple, or if you notice swelling or tenderness
  • Inability to push the bulge back in: If you’re unable to push the bulge or lump back in, or if it becomes stuck, it could be a sign of a strangulated hernia
  • Changes in bowel movements or urination: If you experience changes in your bowel movements or urination, such as constipation or difficulty passing urine, it could be a sign of a serious complication associated with your hernia.

What is hernia surgery?

Hernia surgery is considered a major procedure. Surgery always requires anaesthesia – whether local or general – and sees a surgeon correct the bulge causing the issue.

Diagram of a hernia before private hernia surgery

Types of hernia surgery

The surgery you receive will depend on the type and location of your hernia, as well as the recommendation of your doctor.

Keyhole surgery for a hernia

Also called laparoscopic hernia repair, keyhole surgery sees a surgeon use an instrument called a laparoscope (a thin telescope with a light). The laparoscope (and any tools the surgeon needs) is passed through the abdominal wall via small incisions.

Open hernia repair operation

During open hernia repair surgery, your hernia surgeon will make an incision over your hernia. He or she will then push the protruding tissue back through the muscle. This area of weakened muscle will have mesh either glued or stapled to it before the wound is closed with stitches.

“I met with a consultant for an initial consultation and was able to book in for surgery at the end of November, which suited me because it would fit around work.”

“All the staff were brilliant; they were polite, helpful and couldn’t have done more.”

“I can’t recommend Practice Plus Group at St Mary’s, Portsmouth, enough. Everything they did was excellent.”

Peter Sykes, private hernia surgery patient
Peter Sykes, Hernia patient
Practice Plus Group, Portsmouth

What to expect

Preparing for hernia surgery

A pre-operative assessment is our opportunity to ensure that the procedure for which you have been referred is right for you. We’ll explain your hernia treatment to you and make sure that you are well enough to go ahead with it. It is also your opportunity to meet the team who will care for you and to ask any questions about potential side effects and recovery.

How is hernia repair surgery done?

We specialise in keyhole (laparoscopic) and open surgery; keyhole surgery uses smaller incisions (cuts) but is more difficult, involving several smaller cuts which allow the surgeon to use various special instruments to repair the hernia.

Between two and four small incisions are made through the abdominal wall through which the surgeon passes a thin telescope with a light on the end (called a laparoscope) and the instruments needed to carry out the procedure.

The laparoscope allows the surgeon to see the hernia and observe the surgery, which is done through the incisions using long thin instruments.

The hernia and/or hole are covered with mesh from within the abdomen and staples are used to fix the mesh to the muscle tissue.

For an open repair, a single cut is made over the hernia; the hernia is replaced within the abdomen (tummy) and repaired with a mesh. This technique is still the most common hernia repair technique in Britain.

How long does a hernia operation take?

A hernia op takes between 30 and 45 minutes for a routine groin hernia, but potentially much longer for an incisional hernia.

How long will I be in hospital and what are the results of surgery?

In most cases you will go home on the day of surgery and our team will give you post-discharge advice and support to ensure that your hernia repair heals properly. We usually do not need to see you after the operation but will telephone you to make sure you are recovering well. If you have followed our advice you should make a full recovery in a few weeks.

Hernia surgery complications and potential risks

While hernia surgery isn’t considered a risky procedure, as with all surgeries, there is a certain level of risk attached. These include:

  • infection
  • bleeding
  • damage to surrounding structures
  • bowel obstruction
  • nerve damage
  • reaction to anaesthesia.

Irrespective of what type of hernia repair you require, complications are more likely if you’re over 50, you have another illness (such as heart disease or breathing problems), you’re overweight or you smoke. Learn more about the risks and benefits of hernia surgery.

Hernia surgery recovery tips

With regards to your recovery from hernia surgery, there are a few things you can do to aid the process. Initially, you won’t be able to drive, so getting someone to drive you back from your operation (or booking a taxi) is recommended. It’s also a good idea to arrange for a friend or family member to stay with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. You won’t be able to lift anything, so getting help with everyday activities like shopping will prove invaluable.

Eating food high in fibre along with plenty of fruit and vegetables will help avoid the risk of pain while straining on the toilet. It will also help with your general health. Walking and gentle exercise are also recommended, but only a few weeks after surgery. Be sure to ask your doctor for more information before starting to exercise.

Hernia surgery recovery time

0-1 days

Depending on the severity of your operation and your initial recovery from anaesthesia, you may be discharged on the day of your surgery. Soreness and discomfort around the affected area (as well as bruising and swelling around the scrotum for men) is common.

1-2 weeks

Between one and two weeks after your surgery, you should be able to return to light activities. These include shopping and desk-based work.

4-6 weeks

You should now be able to return to normal daily activities. Ask your doctor about resuming exercise. You can return to driving if you can perform an emergency stop without experiencing pain in the affected area.

Managing pain

For most people, pain will gradually subside during the first few weeks after surgery. Residual pain and discomfort can be managed by pain medication prescribed by a consultant.

Cost of hernia surgery in the UK

Hernia operation costs in the UK typically go up to £4,500 with the average cost at £3,870 according to MyTribe Insurance.1 At Practice Plus Group, hernia repair surgery costs £3,149 and is available at the following locations:

  • Barlborough
  • Emersons Green
  • Ilford
  • St Mary’s Portsmouth
  • Plymouth
  • Shepton Mallet
  • Southampton
  • Gillingham
  • Devizes

Comparing private hernia operation costs

The table below provides a comparison on how our hernia operation prices stack up against our closest competitors:

Healthcare providerConsultation feePrice of hernia surgeryTotal cost
Practice Plus Group£95£3,149£3,244
Circle Health Groupfrom £200from £3,000from £3,200
Nuffield Healthfrom £150from £3,685£3,835
Spire Healthcare£200£4,285£4,485
*Prices correct as of 29th April 2024

What’s included in the cost of private hernia operation?

At Wellsoon from Practice Plus Group, the cost of your treatment and initial consultation includes:

For patients planning on using a different private healthcare provider for their treatment, it’s important to confirm exactly what’s included in the quoted price. This will help avoid any nasty surprises.

Ways to pay

There are 3 ways to access hernia repair at Practice Plus Group:

  1. Self-pay private healthcare
  2. Private health insurance
  3. NHS referral

Find top hernia surgeons in the UK

Why choose Practice Plus Group

At Practice Plus Group Hospitals we’re passionate about giving patients a positive experience and excellent clinical outcomes, with personalised care every step of the way. Whether you’re paying for yourself or using private medical insurance, with our short waiting times, unrivalled Care Quality Commission (CQC) ratings and high levels of cleanliness and infection control, we’ll make sure you’re looked after. In fact, we were the first provider to have all services rated ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ by the CQC.

Paula Sabino Dos Santos Consultant General Surgeon photo


Paula Sabino achieved her medical degree in 1990. Qualifying as a consultant general surgeon in 1999, she worked, since 2000, as Consultant General Surgeon at the Caldas da Rainha Hospital in Portugal. She took an active role in launching the surgical day care unit at the Caldas da Rainha hospital and treated surgical patients through the Portuguese National Health Service. Moving to the UK in 2012 she took a role at the Alexandra Hospital, Redditch, before joining the Practice Plus Group team as a Consultant General Surgeon.
View profile

Wellsoon is a service from Practice Plus Group that provides a range of treatments for patients paying for themselves or paying by private medical insurance. With no hidden costs, you’ll pay less than you might think and be back to your best sooner than you thought.

  • £95 consultation within 1 to 2 weeks* – includes x-ray, bloods and swabs
  • Surgery in just 4 to 6 weeks*
  • Experts in hips, knees, eyes, hernias and more
  • Pay for yourself or via health insurance
  • 0% finance options available

Hernia surgery FAQs

Not yet found the information you’re looking for? Our hernia repair surgery FAQs can help!

Do all hernias require surgery?

Having a hernia doesn’t always mean you must have surgery. Opting not to have surgery doesn’t automatically mean your hernia will get worse; however, if your condition is affecting your ability to carry out daily activities, it’s likely your doctor will recommend surgery.

How long can you wait to have hernia surgery?

It depends on the type of hernia and how much pain you’re in. Some people delay surgery for months or even years. Others may never need surgery, particularly if the hernia is small and the symptoms are minor.
Learn more about the wait for hernia surgery.

What type of surgery is the most severe?

The severity of a hernia can depend on how quickly treatment is sought out (or if the hernia is treated at all). For example, if left untreated, a hernia can become strangulated. A strangulated hernia is when the blood supply to the trapped tissue is cut off, which can be life-threatening.

Even if treated, femoral hernias are one of the most serious. Femoral hernias occur when part of the bowel slides through weakened muscle and perforates the femoral canal. Pain is often located in the upper thigh and treatment is almost always surgery.

Can a hernia be too big to repair?

Larger hernias can pose more of a challenge for surgeons than smaller ones and may lead to an increased risk of complications.

How do you fix a hernia?

This depends on the type of hernia. Consultant general surgeons at Practice Plus Group specialise in keyhole and open surgery. The consultant general surgeon will determine the best course of action for treatment.

Which surgery is best for hernia?

The best type of surgery for hernia entirely depends on the following factors:

– the type of hernia you’re experiencing
– where the hernia is on your body
– the severity of the hernia
– whether you’ve had a hernia before
– your overall health and age

The type of surgery will also depend on the recommendation of your doctor.

What is hernia mesh surgery?

During hernia surgery, a mesh is sometimes used to support and strengthen the weakened area in the abdominal wall where the hernia has pushed through.

Can you have hernia treatment without surgery?

In some cases, surgery may not be the best option for treating a hernia. Here are some alternative treatment methods you may wish to consider to help manage a hernia:

– monitoring smaller hernias
– making lifestyle changes (e.g. weight loss, quitting smoking, avoiding heavy lifting)
– wearing supportive garment (e.g. hernia belt or truss)
– medication or physical therapy.

What happens if a hernia is left untreated?

If left untreated, a hernia can become strangulated. This means the blood supply to the trapped tissue is cut off, which can be life-threatening. There is a very small risk of your abdominal hernia bursting.

Is hernia surgery a major surgery?

Hernia surgery is considered a major procedure. Surgery always requires either local or general anaesthetic. It is also a common procedure with a high success rate. However, as with all surgeries, there is a level of risk. These will be discussed with you before the operation.

How painful is hernia surgery?

Hernia surgery isn’t painful as you’ll be under anaesthetic. The pain and discomfort will likely come during your recovery. Coughing, sneezing, sudden movement and going to the toilet may all cause discomfort.

How soon can I walk after hernia surgery?

It depends on the advice of your doctor and how much hernia pain you feel. Generally, short walks are possible one or two weeks after surgery. However, if you aren’t experiencing any pain or discomfort, your doctor may recommend this sooner.

How long after hernia surgery can I drive?

A return to driving is normally recommended between four and six weeks after surgery. You’ll need to be able to perform an emergency brake without pain before getting back behind the wheel.

What exercises should I avoid after hernia surgery?

You should avoid high-impact exercises like rugby and football. Activities that involve lots of running and jumping should also be given a wide berth. These should be avoided for up to six months following your surgery, but please seek advice from your doctor for further direction.

Can a hernia burst?

Yes, although it’s extremely rare. This occurs in an incisional or recurrent groin hernia.

What foods should I avoid with a hernia?

You should try to avoid fatty foods and foods high in salt. Spicy, sugary, and citrus foods should also be avoided where possible.

Ways to pay

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Hernia surgery reviews

See all reviews

Hernia surgery – a big thank you

I had a day case hernia repair yesterday and wish to thank all staff involved. Throughout the experience I felt reassured, fully informed and cared for.
by Kevin

Hernia surgery, Portsmouth – such a wonderful job

Huge thank you for taking such good care of my husband, Gary, who was in for a hernia repair at Practice Plus Group Surgical Centre, St Mary’s Portsmouth. He made a wonderfully quick recovery and didn’t even need so much as a paracetamol! Thank you everyone for doing such a wonderful job!

by Mrs Pilcher

Hernia surgery, Portsmouth – very impressed

Very impressed by this team. All appointments ran to time and all staff empathetic, skilful, kind and friendly. Thank you for all the team at [Practice Plus Group Surgical Centre, St Mary’s Portsmouth] who dealt with my hernia surgery yesterday, it was a pleasure to meet you all. Great sense of team work and moral, and all communication and managing of expectations was top notch.

by Jon “Jev” Ev, Google

Hernia surgery, Portsmouth – outstanding

A big thank you to Mr Sadek and his team at Practice Plus Group Surgical Centre, St Mary’s Portsmouth for the outstanding way they looked after me during my hernia surgery. Everyone was so friendly and polite and looked after me so well. Thank you all of you.

by Richard Lewis, Google

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