As of 1st April 2025, we will be having a 5% price increase. All appointments booked on or before 31st March 2025 will be honoured at our current prices, even if your surgery is booked after 1st April.
Patients paying for themselves usually have their surgery within seven weeks from the date of their booking enquiry. To find out the NHS waiting times in your area, you can visit the My Planned Care NHS website.* (*Practice Plus Group is not responsible for and does not control the content displayed on external websites.)
Cataracts guide – What is a cataract?
Cataracts are a common eye condition which often require cataract surgery and treatment. As you get older, the lens inside your eye gradually changes and becomes less transparent, affecting your ability to see.
When the lens becomes cloudy, light struggles to pass directly through it and you may notice problems with your vision. A cataract is not a growth or a film growing over your eye; it is simply your lens becoming cloudy. You may get cataracts in both eyes or just one.
double vision or ghosting of images (especially if only noticeable in one eye)
sensitivity to bright light.
When to have cataract surgery
If you suspect that you have a cataract, you will need a professional eye examination by your eye doctor, optician, or ophthalmologist (after a referral by your GP). If your vision can be corrected to an acceptable level by wearing glasses or contact lenses, surgery may be avoided at this time. If your vision loss cannot be corrected by the above measures and if this interferes with your daily life (driving, watching television, hobbies) then your cataract will need to be removed by an eye surgeon.
Cataracts tend to get worse over time and the operation can be performed at any stage of cataract development. There is no need to wait until your cataract is “ripe” before removing it. Most people choose to book their cataract surgery when the change in their vision starts to impact their quality of life and causes them difficulties in everyday activities, such as driving, cooking, or reading.
Cataract treatment guide – what to expect
Cataract surgery involves the removal of the cataract and insertion of an artificial lens called an Intraocular Lens Implant (IOL) into the eye. This type of surgery is the most successful and most frequently performed operation in the UK with over 325,000 cases annually. More than 90% of patients operated on have a significant improvement in their vision.1
Once you have been referred for cataract surgery your hospital will offer a two stop patient pathway.
A specialist eye nurse will go through your symptoms, your previous eye and medical history and ensure you are fit for surgery.
The specialist nurse will make sure all the investigations and tests are completed before surgery. We will need information about your general health, medication, allergies and a recent blood pressure measurement. Please also make sure you bring reports (if available) of any previous eye procedure you had in the past, especially if you had laser corrective surgery.
Please continue with all your normal medication / drops. If you take blood thinners please inform the staff and they will advise you on what to do.
The cataract operation will be explained to you including the risks and benefits and you will be able to ask any further questions.
Pre-operative assessment for cataracts
A pre-operative assessment is our opportunity to ensure that the procedure for which you have been referred is right for you. We’ll explain your treatment to you and make sure that you are well enough to go ahead with it. It is also your opportunity to meet the team who will care for you and to ask any questions before cataract surgery.
What is cataract surgery? The cataract removal procedure
In cataract surgery, the old cloudy lens is removed with an ultrasonic probe and a new clear artificial lens is inserted in its place, which restores vision. You are able to choose the type of cataract lens that is right for you.
During the procedure, your eye will be cleaned with an antiseptic solution. A drape is placed over your eye. This is lifted off your face and air blown under the drape. We monitor your breathing and pulse during the surgery.
The cataract is removed by phaco-emulsification. This type of cataract surgery uses an ultrasonic probe to break up the old lens. Your cataract surgeon will insert a new lens into your eye. You may hear the ultrasound and may see more clearly when the new lens is inserted.
Stitches are not normally needed but may be used at this stage if necessary.
If you feel discomfort during the surgery we can give you more anaesthetic.
Types of intraocular artificial lenses (IOL)
There are different types of IOLs depending on what is needed to restore vision in each person.
Standard intraocular distance lens: This lens is available as standard with the NHS. While it improves distance vision, it doesn’t correct astigmatism, intermediate, or near vision. Most patients will still need to use glasses after their operation.
Enhanced mono-focal lens: This lens provides excellent distance vision and can improve intermediate vision. An example of this lens is the Eyhance.
Toric distance lens for astigmatism: The toric lenses correct pre-operative astigmatism and provide good distance vision. They are available as well as an option with Eyhance, Extended depth of focus lenses and Multifocal lenses to improve intermediate, near and distance vision. These lenses may be available at some treatment centres.
Extended depth of focus lens: These lenses provide good distance and intermediate vision (e.g. reading a computer screen). These lenses are available at our treatment centres.
Multifocal lens: These provide good distance, intermediate, and near vision. They have been widely used to improve near vision following cataract surgery but for some patients, they might create glare and halos post-surgery.
Cataract surgery testimonial
“When I realised I had a cataract and needed a lens replacement, a neighbour recommended Practice Plus Group at Shepton Mallet to me, and I’m glad they did.”
“Everyone had a role, they knew what it was and were busy going about it in a calm and organised way.”
“It was a very positive experience from beginning to end.”
Mike, 70, Practice Plus Group cataract patient
How long does a cataract operation take in the UK?
Cataract surgery usually takes about 15 minutes and most people go home from hospital about one to two hours later. It is done under local anaesthetic, which means you will be awake during the operation – most of the time drops will be used to numb the eye. The local anaesthetic may involve eye drops and/or an injection. It is a day case procedure which means you will not need to stay in hospital overnight.
What are the results and benefits of cataract surgery?
Patients often report an almost overnight improvement in their eyesight, with many returning to activities such as driving and reading with no further eye problems. Many people who have had cataract surgery also find that they rely less on glasses.
What are the risks and complications of cataract surgery?
The risk from cataract surgery is very low (< 1%) and complications are very rare.2 After the operation, you will be sent home with eye care instructions and you will need to put drops into your eyes for a few weeks. Provided you follow the advice after cataract surgery, your recovery should be complete and free from side effects.
Cataract surgery aftercare and recovery
Immediately after your operation, you will be able to see from your eye(s) but they will be blurred, because your pupils will still be dilated.
You will be discharged from the hospital and be able to go home. If you have had a general anaesthetic you will be kept in until you are fully awake. As your vision will still be blurred after the operation a responsible adult must take you home and stay with you for at least 24 hours. If the eye is uncomfortable, please use your normal pain tablets.
You will be given post-operative drops and instructions as to how to put them in. It is important to prevent infection by following the instructions given, particularly good hand hygiene whilst using the eye drops.
As glasses used prior to the operation will not be suitable for your operated eye, it may help to remove the lens from your glasses or buy some temporary reading glasses.
You will be given contact details should you have any concerns or worries post-operatively.
Eye health is important and we advocate a healthy lifestyle that supports healthy eyesight. If you need support to give up smoking or lose weight, you will be able to speak to our healthcare team. It is also important to protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses or eye shields when outdoors.
How long does it take to recover from cataract surgery?
If the cataract operation is successful you should experience an improvement in clarity, colour, and peripheral vision with less glare. For some, this takes a matter of hours, while others take one to two weeks to see well.
If you choose our self-pay option, standard monofocal cataract surgery costs £1,995 per eye. You will be able to access an initial cataract consultation within 2-4 weeks at the cost of £95.
This will be with an experienced cataract consultant and include tests to help diagnose your problem and decide the best options available for you. Your surgery will be within around 2-4 weeks post-consultation, but it might be even quicker.
Private treatment for cataracts allows you the flexibility to choose your place of treatment as well as the date that suits you. It also allows greater treatment options, with different types of lenses available.
You can compare the costs of cataract surgery at Practice Plus Group with other private healthcare providers using the table below:
Healthcare provider
Consultation fee
Price of cataract surgery (per eye)
Practice Plus Group (for a standard monofocal lens)
Circle Health Group
from £200
from £3,443
Nuffield Health (price representative of Nuffield Health Oxford)
Find high-quality private cataract operations near you
At Practice Plus Group Hospitals we’re passionate about giving patients a positive experience and excellent clinical outcomes, with personalised care every step of the way. Whether you’re paying for yourself or using private medical insurance, with our short waiting times, unrivalled Care Quality Commission (CQC) ratings and high levels of cleanliness and infection control, we’ll make sure you’re looked after. In fact, we were the first provider to have all services rated ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ by the CQC.
If you’re interested in cataract surgery at Practice Plus Group, complete the form below or call us for more information.
This article was completed with the help of Dr Marzena Raszewska-Steglinska. She graduated from medical school in 1991 at the Medical University in Lodz, Poland and completed her speciality training in ophthalmology in 2009. She has over 12 years’ experience working as an ophthalmologist and has a special interest in cataract, eyelid surgery, oculoplastic surgery, and anti-glaucoma treatment. Her aim is to provide the best possible outcome for every patient by focusing on each individual’s needs. She prides herself on being attentive to the smallest details and understands what people need. She is proud of her excellent patient outcome records.
Wellsoon is a service from Practice Plus Group that provides a range of treatments for patients paying for themselves or paying by private medical insurance. With no hidden costs, you’ll pay less than you might think and be back to your best sooner than you thought.
£95 consultation within 1 to 2 weeks* – includes x-ray, bloods and swabs
– Nuclear sclerotic cataracts usually develop with age. They form deep in the central part of the lens and increase gradually. – Cortical cataracts can be caused by increased risk factors such as diabetes. This type of cataract begins at the edge of the lens and can be described as gradually moving into the centre in a spoke-like manner. Cortical cataracts can develop quite quickly, over a period of months. – Subcapsular cataracts can be caused by taking steroid medication, diabetes, radiation or extreme near-sightedness. This type of cataract forms at the back of the lens. It can make vision blurry and make it difficult to see in bright light. Activities such as driving, especially at night, can be particularly difficult.
What causes cataracts?
The most common reason for cataracts is growing older, when natural changes within the lens occur. Most people over the age of 65 have some changes in their lens and the majority of us will develop a cataract in time.
Other common causes of cataracts include; diabetes, medications such as steroid eye drops, and previous eye surgery. There is research into other factors which may affect cataract development such as smoking, lifelong exposure to sunlight and a poor diet lacking antioxidant vitamins. In general, the reason for the cataract will not affect the way it is removed.
Can cataracts get worse?
Cataracts form over time so that vision gradually deteriorates without treatment.
Do cataracts come back?
Because the affected lens is replaced with a clear artificial lens it is not possible for the cataract to return. After weeks or months, you might experience cloudy vision that might be related to cloudiness of the back support of the artificial lens. This could be safely and easily corrected with a laser. If this occurs please contact your optician to get referred to receive this laser treatment.
How many years does cataract surgery last?
The benefits of cataract surgery are designed to be permanent. There is a small chance of post-surgery complications which can be dealt with by laser treatment.
How painful is cataract surgery?
Cataract surgery shouldn’t be painful at all. This is because it’s done under local anaesthetic, which means you will be awake during the operation. Most of the time drops will be used to numb the eye. If you’re feeling anxious about cataract surgery, read our guide for some reassuring tips.
How long can cataract surgery be postponed?
This depends on the severity of the cataract, it is best to discuss options with your optician or ophthalmologist who will best advise on the timing of surgery.
What happens if you don’t do cataract surgery?
Because cataracts form over time, you will notice a gradual reduction in your vision which will start to interfere with your daily activities such as driving with cataracts or reading. If left untreated, cataracts may get worse and cause severe loss of vision.
How urgent is cataract surgery?
Most cataracts take months to develop but getting a quick diagnosis is advised if you feel that you are having changes in your vision. Don’t ignore sudden eye problems as seeing an optician for an eye test may save your sight.
Is it better to go private or NHS for cataract surgery?
The answer to this is entirely dependent on your circumstances. You will need to take into account the cost of private treatment, along with the long waiting times that come with many NHS treatments.
Is it worth going private for cataract surgery?
This depends on your circumstances. Private cataract surgery is well worth it if you can afford it. If you have the means, you’ll benefit from much shorter waiting times, along with top quality healthcare that’s tailored to your needs.
What is the difference between NHS and private cataract surgery in the UK?
The main difference between NHS and private cataract surgery in the UK is the choice of lenses available and the cataract operation waiting times. If using self-pay with Practice Plus Group you will be able to choose a different type of lens, such as a top-up multifocal lens. This is not an option with NHS cataract surgery which uses the standard intraocular distance lens.
At Practice Plus Group you will usually have cataract surgery within seven weeks from the date of the booking enquiry.
How do I choose a cataract surgery provider?
You need to feel comfortable with your choice of provider. Some things to bear in mind when making a choice:
– Are you comfortable with the location? – Is the cost of private cataract surgery competitive? – Do you have a choice of lenses? – How quickly can you be seen / have the operation?
Is a monofocal lens good for cataract surgery?
Monofocal lenses (also called monofocal IOLs) are a good option for cataract surgery. This is because they have a single focus strength and provide clear distance vision.
What is vision like after monofocal cataract surgery?
After monofocal cataract surgery, distance vision should be greatly improved. If you suffer from short-sightedness, you’ll likely still need to wear glasses or contact lenses to correct this.
What is the best monofocal lens for cataract surgery?
This depends entirely on the type of lens you need and your specific condition. Your consultant will be able to discuss the lens that will suit you best.
Will I still need glasses after cataract surgery?
This depends on the type of lens you receive and any pre-existing eye conditions you have. For example, if you receive a monofocal lens but suffer from short-sightedness, your long distance will be fine, but you’ll still need glasses to correct the pre-existing myopia.
Who cannot have cataract surgery?
The majority of people will be eligible for cataract surgery. However, there are a handful of occasions where it may not be suitable. These include patients:
– in poor health – with macular degeneration – that have advanced diabetes – with other serious medical conditions.
You should speak to your doctor for more information about eligibility for cataract surgery.
Will cataract surgery give me 20/20 vision?
While this can happen, there’s no guarantee. For example, most cataract patients will receive a monofocal lens which typically corrects distance vision. If these patients suffer from short-sightedness, they will still need glasses to correct this.
Is there anything other than surgery for cataracts?
This depends on how advanced the cataract is. Early-stage cataracts can be treated and their progression slowed by a change in glasses prescription and anti-glare light treatment. For more mature cataracts, surgery is the only solution.
How soon can I drive after cataract surgery?
You should be able to drive around 24 hours after surgery provided you meet DVLA requirements.
Cataract surgery, Devizes – cannot fault the care and attention
My wife recently had a cataract operation here and cannot fault the care and attention given to her by all the staff involved.
by Chris Longdon, Google
Cataract surgery, Portsmouth – exceedingly courteous and helpful
Appointments staff exceedingly courteous and helpful getting both my elderly parents booked in for appointments on the same day and directly after each other, for eye surgery.
by Paula Stubbs, Google
Cataract surgery, Plymouth – fabulous practice
I had 2 cataract operations by the same surgeon and she was excellent! Both eyes are now perfect and operations went without a hitch! Aftercare was superb!
by Anonymous, Plymouth
Cataract surgery, Gillingham – friendly, caring and professional
Attended for cataract surgery and cannot fault the care I received from every single member of staff. Following a warm and friendly welcome at reception, pre surgery checks were carried out in a friendly, caring and professional manner with everything clearly explained – this carried through to the actual procedure where theatre staff were so kind and reassuring.
by Yvonne Akrill, Google
Cataract surgery, Southampton – highly recommend
I highly recommend Practice Plus Group! I had eye surgery yesterday and already can see clearly.
by Dave
Cataract surgery, Gillingham – made to feel safe
My mum is 89 she was very frightened to have her cataract removed but when she got to the Gillingham practice from the start to the end she was made to feel safe with Mr R Govindan and the nurses on his team my mum is looking forward to having her other eye done
by Rosemary Jones, Google
Cataract surgery – quick and well organised
The whole process was very quick and well organised from first contact to being discharged. The initial telephone contact allowed me to ask questions and be directed to the clinic which would best suit my needs. Everyone involved was very friendly and quickly put me at ease. I was always explained choices and not pressured into any response. My concerns were fully answered enabling me to feel confident to go ahead. I loved my consultants humour during the procedure keeping me involved and relaxed. My eyesight is amazing now with no need to wear glasses so I’m extremely satisfied.
by Mary Hillman, Google
Cataract surgery, Rochdale – staff efficient and reassuring
I recently had cataract surgery at Croft Shifa Health Centre, Rochdale, with Practice Plus. I found them excellent and the outcome amazing. From referral by my Optician to the procedure on my second eye it took only 10 weeks, and this was through the NHS route. I was naturally frightened but I found the staff efficient and reassuring. The procedure itself was totally painless and I was given good advice on aftercare. The difference in my vision is just amazing so I am very grateful to Practice Plus. Thank you.
by Liz W, Trust Pilot
Cataract surgery, Devizes – thank you for the great care
Thank you to all the team at Devizes for the great care they gave my dad when he came in for his cataract operation in March. The team were all very caring and efficient looking after him very well. Thanks for the many follow-up phone calls by the team making sure he was followed up by his GP on his return home. Thanks again.
by Alison Packer, Google
Cataract surgery, Gillingham – everyone very friendly
I went for my cataract assessment today and found everyone very friendly and I was put at ease about the procedure. I feel very relaxed to know that I’ll be in good hands when the time for my surgery arrives.
by Sandra Church, Google
Cataract surgery, Gillingham – made my experience worry-free
I was very nervous at the start of my visit, but was absolutely amazed at the professional and caring service. The staff were so kind and helpful to make my experience worry free. The Surgeon was excellent and gentle, and I am so glad I had my eye surgery there. 100% a perfect day. Love to you all at Practice Plus Group, Gillingham.
by Philip Bevens, Google
Cataract surgery, Rochdale – the care given was second to none
I had my cataracts removed from both eyes at Practice Plus in Rochdale, one in March 2022 and the second in April 2022. The care I was given by everyone involved, from consultant to nursing team to the patient services team was second to none. I will be forever grateful to everyone who looked after me and made my sight better than it has ever been!
by Margaret Clayton
Cataract surgery, Ilford – very satisfied patient!
I had my 2nd cataract operation at Practice Plus Group Ilford. I had both operations at this centre.
I must report how pleased I have been with every aspect – efficient, friendly and skilled. Also, information both verbal and printed was spot on. I am a very satisfied patient!