Patient story

It's the back of the net for Stuart's hip problems

After a career in professional football, West Ham club ambassador and former player Stuart Slater could hardly walk due to crippling hip pain.

Stuart Slater at the football ground after his Ilford hip operation

Stuart says: “Football takes its wear and tear. In my professional career I had five operations, then my hip started to cause trouble due to arthritis. 18 years ago it became really painful. But I got advised that I was a bit too young to have a hip operation, so I managed to work through the pain and coach.

“I coach a college programme for 16 to 19-year-olds, but had to stop one-on-one coaching. If the ball came towards me, I’d try and retrieve the ball by going to the side and it would take me five seconds to move that leg and by that time the ball had gone by. Just even doing that, it was so painful. The rain and the cold in winter made the pain particularly bad and all I could do was stand around.”

“If the ball came towards me, it would take me five seconds to move my leg. It was so painful.”

Stuart Slater, ex-West Ham footballer and Practice Plus Group Hospital, Ilford hip replacement patient

Stuart’s Ilford hip operation

Stuart was on an NHS waiting list for surgery but when the surgeon went on long-term leave, his plan fell through and he was looking at a wait of around 18 months to join the back of the queue again at a large NHS hospital. He was recommended Practice Plus Group Hospital, Ilford, and asked his GP for a referral, taking advantage of ‘patient choice’ where NHS patients can choose a private hospital to have their operation in.

Stuart said: “It’s major surgery and I put my life in their hands, but was so reassured- they are amazing human beings. It’s like a big family. It was the easiest operation and recovery I’ve had and I’m now back out coaching. The pain that was just always there has gone now. I can pass the ball back and walk up and down the side line without any pain. It’s been massive for my mindset and mental health. I feel like my life is a whole new ballgame now. When all you hear about the NHS is waiting times and bad news I think it’s important to show that there is help out there if you need it and you don’t have to suffer.”

“It was the easiest operation and recovery I’ve had…it’s been massive for my mindset and mental health. I feel like my life is a whole new ballgame now.”

Stuart Slater, ex-West Ham footballer and Practice Plus Group Hospital, Ilford hip replacement patient

Stuart is now back coaching the Football Academy at Chelmsford College. He says: The Football Academy provides young footballers with the best education, training, football networks and sporting facilities to help them realise their full potential. It’s a privilege to coach them.

“The recovery has been great. I’m six, seven months into it now and I can’t stop walking. I’m so pleased that I’ve had it done. The benefits are just amazing. It’s given me a new lease of life.”
