Providing services

We provide an extensive range of person-centred, holistic healthcare services to patients in secure environments.

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Our list of healthcare services:

Primary care: We aim to provide the equivalent healthcare to that which service users would be able to access in the community, such as GP appointments pharmacy and occupational therapy.

Substance misuse services: Our teams provide clinical and psychosocial services to support patients who have experience of addiction.

Mental health services: We provide integrated mental health services to support patients across a wide range of needs and are particularly proud of our in-depth and successful work with patients who have a variety of mental health needs and personality disorders.

Dentistry: We offer oral healthcare and treatment to patients at a number of our prisons and immigration removal centres.

Physiotherapy: We help patients affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise.

Podiatry: We offer onsite treatment of patients’ feet and ankles.

Optometry: Our specialists provide a range of eye care to patients on site.

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