Patient story

Sue crosses borders for Birmingham hip replacement

When Sue McDermot, 63, from Flint in North Wales saw a leaflet come through her door for Wellsoon from Practice Plus Group offering hip surgery in just 4-6 weeks, she couldn’t believe her luck. For several years, Sue had been in “nauseating pain” caused by her worsening hip and had only been offered exercises and cortisone injections by her GP for relief.

“I’m so glad I trusted my instincts to go with Wellsoon…I’d recommend the team at Wellsoon from Practice Plus Group to anyone.”

Sue McDermot, hip replacement patient at Practice Plus Group Hospital, Birmingham

After hearing that some local friends were on two-year NHS waiting lists for hip replacements, she took matters into her own hands and decided going private was the best solution to put an end to the agony.

Sue says: “My job as a support worker is really physical. For up to ten hours a day I am on my feet helping people and often pushing a wheelchair – which as you can imagine is torturous with tremendous hip pain. By the summer last year I’d had enough. My GP sent me for X-rays which showed there was some level of osteoarthritis deterioration, but he didn’t feel I was a candidate for surgery. Instead he suggested I do certain exercises to help ease my hip. I felt deflated as I wanted a more long-term solution to the pain.

“I was struggling on day-to-day hardly able to walk any distance. My job was difficult enough, and even a regular trip to the supermarket was an ordeal. Even if I needed only two items at the shop I’d have to wheel a trolley to help support me whilst I walked through the aisles. I’d find myself at the check-out slumped over the trolley in pain and embarrassed as it just looked like I was being lazy. My hip pain meant I had to stop socialising as I could barely walk. And looking back to my last holiday, I’d been forced to use the airport assistance service as I couldn’t walk to the departure gate. My quality of life was really affecting me.

“Seeing the leaflet for Wellsoon really spurred me on and I felt hopeful that there was an option for quicker hip surgery out there. Even though I’d have to pay privately, I felt it would be worth it to get my life back. I made a call to the Wellsoon team and was told they were opening a new hospital in Birmingham which would be the closest to home – though still a good three hours away by car. Despite the distance, I was so impressed with them I decided to go for it and made an appointment to see the consultant, Mr Blocker.

“My hip pain meant I had to stop socialising as I could barely walk…my quality of life was really affecting me.”

Sue McDermot, hip replacement patient at Practice Plus Group Hospital, Birmingham

“I went by train to Birmingham for my first consultation and loved the brand-new hospital. The whole team were so welcoming and I had such a good feeling about the place. Mr Blocker was fantastic. He assessed my hip, agreed surgery was the answer, and booked me in for surgery four weeks later.

“The surgery went brilliantly. I had a spinal block rather than have a general which I much preferred. I was awake, though sedated, the whole time and chattering away with Mr Blocker and my anaesthetist. I felt utterly calm and unfazed. It also meant I didn’t have that awful groggy feeling you have when you come out of an anaesthetic which helped with recovery. I stayed overnight at the hospital and enjoyed the company of all the wonderful staff, before heading home with friends by car the following day.

“The journey home was a little uncomfortable, but weighing that up with the prospect of waiting months for surgery was totally worth it. I’m so glad I went private with Wellsoon from Practice Plus Group rather than rely on the NHS. I loved the clear pricing too. I paid exactly what they said I would at the start and there were no hidden extras. I know some hospitals charge this for x-rays and that for extra tests, but with Wellsoon it really was as it said on the website. I chose to put down a deposit upfront and pay off the balance over the next 12 months interest-free via Chrysalis Finance who organise any repayment loans for Wellsoon patients. It’s brilliant – it means I can keep my savings in my bank for longer.

“The hospital is marvellous and everyone is so down to earth. I’m so glad I trusted my instincts to go with Wellsoon – that leaflet was perfect timing!

“Now I’m recovering I can start to think about the difference the surgery will make to my life. Not only will it help me day-to-day at work, but it will also give me my freedom and social life back. I’d recommend the team at Wellsoon from Practice Plus Group to anyone.”

Practice Plus Group Hospital, Birmingham is able to treat hip and knee replacement patients via its Wellsoon Private Healthcare service and offers fast-access to surgery in as few as 4-6 weeks of seeing a consultant. Initial consultations cost £95 and include x-rays, bloods and swab tests. NHS patients can also ask their GP for a referral to the hospital.
