Where are the best private hospitals in Birmingham, UK?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes The Balti. Spaghetti Junction. Black Sabbath. Cadbury’s chocolate. What Birmingham isn’t famous for isn’t worth knowing. So, it makes sense the city that gave us Lord of the Rings also boasts a wide range of top-quality private hospitals, all offering excellent healthcare services. Whether you’re seeking elective surgery, or specialised…

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How to find a surgeon in Birmingham

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Finding the right surgeon in Birmingham is crucial to ensuring the success of your operation, not to mention your recovery and overall well-being. Birmingham is one of the UK’s largest and most vibrant cities, and offers a wealth of medical professionals across various specialties. Private surgery at a glance Related…

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Cycling after knee replacement surgery – top tips

It’s the same every summer. You watch the Tour de France in awe as lycra-clad heroes struggle up impossible climbs while the colourful peloton snakes its way through scenic Alpine valleys. Suddenly you get the urge to hop on your bike and imagine yourself pedalling away to victory wearing the yellow jersey. And then you…

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What I wish I knew before hip replacement surgery in the UK

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes We all wish we could go through life with the power of hindsight. It would make us a lot more confident when it comes to decision-making, particularly where health is concerned. But with Wellsoon from Practice Plus Group, one thing you don’t need is hindsight. Not only do we offer…

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Hernia surgery costs explained

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Hernias can cause discomfort and pain, not to mention stopping us from doing the things we love. Choosing private hernia removal is a great option if you’re looking for fast treatment at a time that suits you. In this blog, we share everything you need to know about private hernia…

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Gardening with joint pain

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes Gardening activities help us stay active and enjoy all the benefits of the outdoors. But many of us experience joint pain after gardening. Find out why this happens and how to reduce your aches and pains. National Gardening Week With National Gardening Week approaching and Chelsea Flower Show at the…

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How long does an ultrasound-guided injection last?

If you need an ultrasound-guided injection, you’ll likely have questions over how effective it will be and how long those effects are going to last. In this article, we’ve looked at some of the key aspects of this procedure. We’ve also answered some of the most common questions such as: how long does an ultrasound-guided…

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How to improve knee health

“Look after your knees. You’ll miss them when they’re gone.” Sound advice from an unlikely source – Baz Luhrmann’s late 90’s spoken word hit ‘Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen’ – but it rings as true today as it did back then. Our knees carry us through life, so it’s crucial we take good care of…

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How to access private healthcare in the UK

Knowing how to access private healthcare can give you more options and flexibility when it comes to managing your health. Whether it’s for faster treatment, specialist care, or simply personal preference, understanding the process is crucial. To make this as simple as possible, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to help you navigate private healthcare…

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Carpal tunnel or arthritis – what’s the difference?

If you are experiencing discomfort in your hands or wrists, you may be suffering from carpal tunnel or arthritis. Both are conditions that can affect the hands and wrists, but they have distinct characteristics and causes. If you suspect you’re suffering from either condition, it’s important to understand the differences between the two in order…

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