Our locations
We provide quality healthcare to patients residing in the below secure environments.

As of 1st April 2025, we will be having a 5% price increase. All appointments booked on or before 31st March 2025 will be honoured at our current prices, even if your surgery is booked after 1st April.
We provide quality healthcare to patients residing in the below secure environments.
Switchboard: 0151 522 2000
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003
If you are enquiring to confirm if a friend or relative is within our custody then please email findaprisoner@justice.gov.uk.
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends)
Prisoners are responsible for booking their own visits; this is done by using an application on the Central Management System (CMS) – accessed via touchscreen computer terminals that are located on each unit in the establishment. Once a visit has been approved it is up the individual prisoner to inform his family and friends of the date and time of the visit.
The maximum time a visit can be booked is 14 days in advance and the minimum is three days in advance.
Prisoners can book up to three adult visitors per session and three children less than 18 years of age. However, if the child is over 17 they will be classed as an adult.
It is the responsibility of the prisoner to book and inform friends and family of the time and date of visits. Staff are not responsible for booking or informing family and friends of visits or cancellation of visits. It is also the responsibility of the prisoner to inform visitors of correct identification requirements as well as other visit regulations, however visitors are encouraged to check the website for further details.
For sending correspondence/emails to your family or friend in prison, you can take advantage of the emailaprisoner.com system. Please log on to https://www.emailaprisoner.com and follow the instructions.
Domestic visitors’ identification
All visitors to closed prisons, both adults and children, whether visiting for social or official purposes must be required to prove their identity at Reception. (Children’s birth certificates are suitable to prove the name and date of birth).
Two separate forms of up-to-date identification will be required to gain entry to the prison, including one photographic identification and two proof of address:
Two proof of address can include: (No more than six months old)
For other forms of ID that may be acceptable please ensure you contact the prison Visits Booking line for advice.
If a visitor is unable to produce ID as above, staff may accept combinations of two or more of the following below, but must also include two proof of addresses:
You may be refused entry if you do not have sufficient ID. This will be decided by the Visits Manager on duty. The Director has the discretion to accept any form of identification that clearly identifies the visitor in a satisfactory way.
Having had ID checked all visitors will have their photograph taken, fingerprints and hand stamped with UV ink. All adults and children over 10 years of age will have their fingerprints taken.
Our dedicated booking line is staffed: Monday to Friday between 8.30am-4.30pm.
Official visitors can book by phone or via email:
For non-confidential correspondence to your clients, you can take advantage of the emailaprisoner.com system. Please log on to https://www.emailaprisoner.com/ and follow the instructions.
Switchboard: 0190 477 2000
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a woman at HMP & YOI Askham Grange, call the safer custody hotline on 0190 477 2026.
If you have a loved one in HMP & YOI Askham Grange you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP & YOI Askham Grange or need to know how to book a visit? You can find out visiting information here.
You can also email the families team at HMP Askham Grange directly here: askhamgrange@prisonadvice.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0190 253 3450
If you are worried about a resident at HMP & YOI Brinsford, you can call the 24-hour safer custody helpline on 0190 253 3565.
If you have a loved one in HMYOI Brinsford you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMYOI Brinsford or need to know how to book a visit? You can find out visiting information here.
Barnardo’s runs the visitor’s centre at Brinsford. Trained, experienced staff are available during visit sessions to help families. They will also give people information about the range of support services available in the local community.
The team includes a dedicated family engagement worker and a child support worker who have specific roles. These roles include child activity and community support, as well as help for prisoners in repairing difficult or damaged family relationships. You can call the visits centre on 0138 441 1722 for more information.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0208 588 6000
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Brixton, call the safer custody hotline. Leave as much information as possible about the resident and your concerns, as well as your contact details. You may not receive a callback but the resident may be asked to contact you if appropriate. Telephone: 0208 588 6156.
If you have a loved one in HMP Brixton you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Brixton or need to know how to book a visit? You can find out visiting information here.
You can also contact the Prison Advice and Care Trust (PACT) Family Workers at HMP Brixton directly by emailing brixton@prisonadvice.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0186 935 3100
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Bullingdon, call the safer custody hotline on 01869 356893. Leave as much information as possible about the resident and your concerns, as well as your contact details. You may not receive a callback but the resident may be asked to contact you if appropriate.
If you have a loved one in HMP Bullingdon you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Bullingdon or need to know how to book a visit? You can find out visiting information here: https://www.prisonadvice.org.uk/hmp-bullingdon
You can also email the family services team at HMP Bullingdon directly by emailing bullingdon@prisonadvice.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen support children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0160 332 6000
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Bure, call the safer custody hotline on 0160 332 6012. The phone line is monitored 24 hours a day and all calls are treated as confidential.
If you have a a loved one in HMP Bure you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Bure or need to know how to book a visit? You can find out visiting information here.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen support children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 01207 260 221
Safer Custody Helpline: 01207 260 221 – Welfare department: open 07:00 22:00 seven days a week.
By car:
From the A1(M):
By bus:
From Durham Station:
From Newcastle Station:
By train:
Best linked train stations – Durham (DHM) or Newcastle (NCL)
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends) and legal visits: Any bookings must be made with a minimum of 24 hours notice.
Visiting hours at the IRC are between 9am and 9pm every day. Last entry to the centre will be at 8.15pm.
If you wish to visit a resident at Derwentside, please either visit Derwentside IRC | Serco website and book direct through the request a visit link or contact us on 01207 260 221.
Domestic visitors’ identification: Social visitors (i.e. personal visitors to residents) must provide
One of the following:
Or two of the following:
Remember to bring your ID for each and every visit you attend, failure to provide the correct forms of ID can and will result in refusal of entry to the centre in accordance with this
Switchboard: 0808 808 2003
In an emergency, or if you are concerned about a man’s safety, health or wellbeing in HMP & YOI Doncaster please contact the prison on 01302 760870 and ask to speak to the Orderly Officer stating your concern is an emergency. You can also visit www.prisonersfamilies.org/hmp-doncaster and submit a safer custody form.
If you have a loved one in HMP & YOI Doncaster you can email them via email a prisoner.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0128 382 9400
If you are concerned about a prisoner’s safety, health or well-being please contact the prison on 0128 382 9400 at any time. This number is manned 24 hours a day.
If you have a loved one in HMP Dovegate you can email them via email a prisoner.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0178 577 4100
If you have safety, health or well-being concerns about a woman in HMP & YOI Drake Hall please call the Safer Custody team on 0178 577 4217.
You can also email the team at HMP Drake Hall directly by emailing drakehall@prisonadvice.org.uk.
If you have a loved one in HMP & YOI Drake Hall you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP & YOI Drake Hall or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
You can also email the family services team at HMP Drake Hall directly by emailing drakehall@prisonadvice.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen support children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 01454 382100
If you have any safeguarding concerns for residents in our care, please contact the Safer Community Helpline on 01454 382 323.
Safer Custody Eastwood park email address: SaferCustody.EastwoodPark@justice.gov.uk
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends):
You can book your visit online, by email to socialvisits.eastwoodpark@justice.gov.uk or by telephone.
Telephone booking line: 0300 303 0631
The booking lines are open:
• Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 12pm to 5pm
• Tuesday and Thursday: 9am to 5pm
Visiting times:
• Tuesday: 2pm to 3pm and 3:30pm to 4:30pm
• Wednesday: 2pm to 3p and 3:30pm to 4:30pm
• Friday: 2pm to 3pm and 3:30pm to 4:30pm
• Saturday: 2pm to 3pm and 3:30pm to 4:30pm
• Sunday:2pm to 3pm and 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Children can visit their mothers outside regular visiting hours. These visits can take place Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 11:45am, either in the visits hall or on the mother and baby unit. Prisoners can apply for these visits internally.
Entering Eastwood Park
All visitors, aged 16 or older must prove their identity before entering the prison. Read the list of acceptable forms of ID when visiting a prison.
All visitors will need to be given a pat-down search, including children. You may also be sniffed by security dogs.
Visitors must adhere to the prison dress code that applies, further details can be requested on your first visit.
Each adult visitor is allowed to take in a maximum of £10 in coins (notes are not allowed).
There are strict controls on what you can take into Eastwood Park. You will have to leave most of the things you have with you in a locker in the visitors’ centre or in your car – this includes pushchairs and car seats.
You will be told the rules by an officer at the start of your visit. If you break the rules, your visit could be cancelled and you could be banned from visiting again.
Call the booking line if you have any questions about visiting.
Visiting facilities
Refreshments are available to purchase during your visit. There is a children’s play area available to use.
There is a visitors centre at Eastwood Park, which includes toilet facilities. Visitors are offered a warm welcome, information and support. It is open on visiting days.
The visits room is on the ground floor and wheelchair accessible. Pushchairs are not allowed in the room. Drinks and snacks are available from the café and there is a small play area for children.
Family days
Eastwood Park run 12 family visits a year. Details on how these visits run can be found by contacting: socialvisits.eastwoodpark@hmps.gsi.gov.uk.
Domestic visitors’ identification
To visit someone in Eastwood Park you must:• be on that person’s visitor list
• book your visit at least 24 hours in advance
• have the required ID with you when you go
At least one visitor must be 18 or older at every visit.
Each prisoner is allowed a maximum of 3 adult visitors per visit, plus children.
Contact Eastwood Park if you have any questions about visiting
Booking a visit – legal/officials only
Face to Face legal visiting times:
• Monday and Thursday: 2pm to 3pm and 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Booking line: 0300 303 0631 or email HMPPSvisitbooking@justice.gov.uk Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm Find out about call charges
Video Link legal visiting times:
• Monday to Friday: 9am to 12:30pm and 2pm to 4:30pm
To book a video link legal visit, use the following functional mailbox only custody.eastwoodpark@justice.gov.uk.
Where possible give a range of dates and times and specify how long of a period you are booking the visit for.
Switchboard: 0190 270 3000
If you are concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Featherstone, contact the safer custody team. Please leave a message with their name, prison number and details of your concerns, also leave your name, contact number and relationship with them.
Email: safercustody.featherstone@justice.gov.uk
Safer custody hotline: 0190 270 3081
If you have a loved one in HMP Featherstone you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Featherstone or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visits information here.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 01933 718888
If a family member or friend has concerns about a prisoner here, relating to safeguarding, such as self harm, bullying, etc. please contact the Safer Custody Welfare Line.
Safer Custody Helpline: 01933 832073
This number is staffed during office hours Monday to Friday. Out of these hours, the call is redirected to the Control Room.
Alternatively, members of the public can email the Safer Custody team on: fivewells.safety@uk.g4s.com
If emailing the team, please can you make sure that you include their name and contact number and the prisoner’s name and number.
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends):
Phone line: 01933 718888 and select Option 1, followed by Option 1 again. This phone line will be in operation from 10:00 – 13:00 and 17.00 – 19.00.
More information: https://www.hmpfivewells.co.uk/
Domestic visitors’ identification: https://www.hmpfivewells.co.uk/visiting-the-prison/#security-safeguarding
Booking a visit – legal/officials only: Please send an email to the following email address: fivewells.visits@uk.g4s.com
Switchboard: 0190 366 3000
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Ford, call the anti-drugs and safer custody hotline on 0800 389 2246. Please leave a message with their name, prison number and details of your concerns, also leave your name, contact number and relationship with them.
If you have a loved one in HMP Ford you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Ford or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
You can contact the Family Services Manager directly on 0797 063 8276 or shart@spurgeons.org.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 01283 584 300
Non-emergency : 01283 584 333
Call this number if you have concerns about a prisoner’s safety or wellbeing which are serious but not life-threatening or complete a safer custody contact form on the Prisoners’ Families Helpline website.
CRISIS LINE : 01283 584319
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003
The Prisoners’ Families Helpline can provide confidential support, advice and guidance.
No emails are supplied for HMP & YOI Foston Hall for public use, professionals can have the FMB or employee (with their consent) email if appropriate to the needs.
All legal/official visits must be booked by email to hmppsvisitbooking@justice.gov.uk between 9am and 1pm. Any bookings received after this will be dealt with the following day.
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends):
Telephone booking line: 0300 060 6516
The booking line is open:
A visit can be booked a minimum of 2 working days before your visit date (subject to availability) and a maximum of 28 working days before the visit (subject to availability).
You must book your first visit by telephone.
Second or subsequent visits can alternatively be booked via booking portal Visit someone in prison – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Foston Hall Prison and Young Offender Institution – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Domestic visitors’ identification:
One form of ID from this list, together with list C.
One form of ID from this list, together with list B.
If you do not have access to the above listed ID, you may still be able to attend a visit with advanced permission from the prison. Please contact the prison direct to arrange this. Contact details for prisons are available on the prison information pages.
All legal/official visits must be booked by email to hmppsvisitbooking@justice.gov.uk between 9am and 1pm. Any bookings received after this will be dealt with the following day.
The following documents are examples of acceptable forms of identification for professional visitors:
Switchboard: 01759 475100
Safer Custody Helpline: 01759 474068
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 01759 474068
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends): 01759 475355
More information: 01759 475355
Booking a visit – legal/officials only: 01759 475355
Switchboard: 01858 426600
In an emergency – call the switchboard on 01858 426600 if you think the prisoner is at immediate risk. Ask for the Orderly Officer and explain that your concern is an emergency.
Non-emergency – call 01858 426886 call this number if you have concerns about a prisoner’s safety or wellbeing which are serious but not life-threatening or complete a safer custody contact form on the Prisoners’ Families Helpline website.
Safer Custody Helpline: 01858 426886
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003
Email: gartree@prisonadvice.org.uk
01858 461 134 or 01858 466 614 or email: socialvisits.gartree@justice.gov.uk
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends):
You can book your visit online. You can book your visit by telephone.
Booking line: 01858 426 727
Domestic visitors’ identification:
You may use any one form of ID from List A.
If you are unable to do this, you can use one document from List B and one form of ID from List C.
If you are unable to produce any forms of ID from these lists, you may still be able to apply under exceptional circumstances.
You are likely to be turned away from the prison if you are unable to produce any of the required ID documents at the time of your visit, or if you have not made arrangements with the prison, prior to your visit.
1. List A
2. List B
One form of ID from this list, together with list C.
3. List C
One form of ID from this list, together with list B.
4. Exceptional Circumstances
If you do not have access to the above listed ID, you may still be able to attend a visit with advanced permission from the prison. Please contact the prison direct to arrange this. Contact details for prisons are available on the prison information pages
Booking line: 01858 426 727
Monday to Friday, 9am to midday and 1pm to 2pm
Switchboard: 01293 566 500
gatwickirc.visitsbooking@serco.com (to arrange visits)
brookhouse@practiceplusgroup.com (to request medical records)
Visiting hours are 2pm-5.30pm and 6pm-9pm every day. Last admission is at 8.30pm.
You must book at least one day in advance, between 8am and 9pm.
You must bring the following:
Or you can bring two of the following:
There’s a free bus service from Atlantic House to Brook House with a stop at Tinsley House. The pick-up point is in front of Atlantic House, just outside Gatwick South Terminal. You can ask about bus times or how to arrange a pick-up when you book your visit.
There’s a free on-site car park. If you use a satnav, use the street name Perimeter Road South, not the postcode.
Switchboard: 0129 644 5000
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Grendon, call the safer custody hotline (24 hours) on 0129 644 5026.
If you have a loved one in HMP Grendon you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Grendon or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visits information here.
For visiting enquiries, please ring 0129 644 5243.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0140 574 6500
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of someone in HMP & YOI Hatfield, call the 24-hour safer custody hotline on 0140 575 6509.
If you have a loved one in HMP & YOI Hatfield you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP & YOI Hatfield or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
You can also email the families team at HMP & YOI Hatfield directly by emailing hatfield@prisonadvice.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 020 8607 5200
If you have any safeguarding concerns for residents in our care, please contact the Safer Community hotline on 020 8607 5303.
Email: HARVisits@mitie.com (to arrange legal visits – for legal professionals only)
Email: HIRCDomesticVisits@mitie.com (to arrange a social visit)
Email: practiceplusgrp.healthcareheathrowirc@nhs.net (to request medical records)
Visiting hours are 2pm-9pm every day. Last admission is at 8.30pm.
As per Home Office requirements, all visitors over the age of 18 must present the following ID prior to entry:
One of the following:
There is a refreshment kiosk in the hall and visitors may bring £10 in change to purchase drinks and snacks.
Please bring a £1 coin to use one of the lockers provided, this will be reimbursed to visitors when they depart the centre.
Switchboard: 01527 785000
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003
Email: info@prisonersfamilies.org
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends):
Phone – 0330 060 6503
Email – HMPPSvisitbooking@justice.gov.uk
Online – www.gov.uk/prison-visits
More information: Visit timings
AM – 09.00 – 11.30
PM – 13.45 – 14.15
Domestic visitors’ identification:
Visitors may identify themselves using one of the following:
If the visitor is unable to produce one of the above, staff may accept combinations of two or more of the following:
Staff retain the discretion to accept any other forms of identification, singly or in combination, that clearly identify the visitor in a satisfactory way.
Booking a visit – legal/officials only:
Phone – 0330 060 6503
Email – HMPPSvisitbooking@justice.gov.uk
Acceptable forms of identification – Professional visitors
The following documents are examples of forms of acceptable identification for professional visitors;
Switchboard: 0144 074 3100
Contact the Safer Custody hotline on 0144 074 3004 with any immediate concerns about a resident. This line is checked twice a day, you can leave a message and it will be dealt with promptly.
If you have a loved one in HMP Highpoint you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Highpoint or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
Ormiston deliver visitor services at HMP Highpoint. You can contact them on 0147 372 4517 or enquiries@ormistonfamilies.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen support children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0139 441 2400
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP & YOI Hollesley Bay you can contact the Safer Custody team on 0139 441 2462.
If you have a loved one in HMP & YOI Hollesley Bay you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP & YOI Hollesley Bay or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
Ormiston delivers visitor services at HMP & YOI Hollesley Bay. You can contact them at 0147 3724517 or hmphollesleybay@ormistonfamilies.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0149 164 3100
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Huntercombe contact the safer custody hotline on 0149 164 3225. Leave as much information as possible and a telephone number for staff to call you back. You can also email safercustodyhuntercombe@justice.gov.uk.
If you have a loved one in HMP Huntercombe you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Huntercombe or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visits information here.
You can email the family services team at HMP Huntercombe directly by emailing huntercombe@prisonadvice.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0198 363 4000
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Isle of Wight, call the safer custody hotline on 0800 496 1125. The mailbox is checked regularly each day. Please leave as much information as possible and a telephone number for staff to call you back.
Safer Custody Helpline: 0800 496 1125
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003
Online Assistance: https://www.prisonersfamilies.org/forms/hmp-isle-of-wight-safer-custody-contact-form
If you have a loved one in HMP Isle of Wight you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Isle of Wight or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visits information here.
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends): 0198 363 4218.
You can also call the family services team directly on 0198 386 5657.
Domestic visitors’ identification: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/isle-of-wight-prison#entering-isle-of-wight
Booking a visit – legal/officials only: 0198 363 4218
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 01772 675400
If you have any safeguarding concerns for residents in our care, please contact the Safer Community Helpline on 0800 5280 248.
Safer Custody Kirkham email address: safercustodykirkham@justice.gov.uk
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003
Domestic visitors’ identification:
You may use any one form of ID from List A. If you are unable to do this, you can use one document from List B and one form of ID from List C.
Booking a visit – legal/officials only
Email: legalvisits.kirkham@justice.gov.uk
To visit someone in Kirkham you must be on a person’s visit list, book at least 24 hours in advance and have the required ID.
Switchboard: 01524 563 450
Safer Custody Helpline: 01524 563 518
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: SaferCustodyHelpline.LancasterFarms@justice.gov.uk
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends):
Booking Line: 01524 563 636
Visits Centre
Visitor Centre: 01524 563 556
More information:
Telephone: Booking Line: 01524 563 450
Address: HMP Lancaster Farms, Stone Row Head, LA1 3QZ
Visits: Tues, Wed, Sat & Sun 14:00 – 15.00, 15.30—16.30
Refreshments: Hot and cold drinks, sandwiches, snacks, and sweets.
Toilets: Accessible toilet in the Visitor Centre/baby change.
Disabled Facilities: Disabled parking & lift. No accessible toilet in prison
Domestic visitors’ Identification
You will need to bring one of the following forms of identification with you:
If you are unable to produce one of the above, staff may accept.
combinations of two or more of the following:
Switchboard: 0113 203 2600
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Leeds call the safer custody hotline on 0113 203 2629. Leave your name, your telephone number, the prisoner’s name and prisoner number, and a brief description of the problem. Someone will call you back within 24 hours.
If you have a loved one in HMP Leeds you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Leeds or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
You can also email the families team directly on: info@jigsawvisitorscentre.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0116 2283000
If you have any safeguarding concerns for residents in our care, please contact the Safer Custody Helpline on 0116 2283129.
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003 (open Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm; weekends and Bank Holidays 10am to 3pm).
Email to send an e-mail message about non-urgent wellbeing concerns to safer custody department: www.prisonersfamilies.org
For writing to prisoners via e-mail: www.emailaprisoner.com
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends):
More information: All visits information is available on the Gov.UK website
• Enhanced IEP prisoners – maximum of 4 visits per month
• Standard IEP – maximum of 3 visits per month
• Basic IEP prisoners – 2 visits per month.
Remand Prisoners – Up to 3 per week. Remand prisoners can book on both Saturday and Sunday, but a maximum of 1 visit can be in on the PM session.
Visiting times:
• Monday: 2pm to 4pm
• Tuesday: 2pm to 4pm and 5pm to 6:30pm
• Wednesday: 5pm to 6:30pm
• Thursday: 2pm to 4pm and 5pm to 6:30pm
• Friday: No Visits
• Saturday: 9:30am to 11:30am and 2pm to 4pm
• Sunday: 9:30am to 11:30am and 2pm to 4pm
• Bank holidays: As a rule, visits will run on Bank Holidays if scheduled. Christmas Day and Boxing Day will not have visits.
Domestic visitors’ identification:
Booking a visit – legal/officials only: hmpleicesterlegalvisits@justice.gov.uk
Switchboard: 0127 378 5100
Families of residents in HMP Lewes can use the safer custody hotline to report bullying or concerns about self-harm or suicide. It is staffed during office hours. At other times there is an answerphone which is checked and followed up every day.
Please leave your name, the resident’s name, a return contact number and brief details about your concern and a member of staff will call you back. The safer custody hotline number is 0127 378 5392. You can also email: safercustodylewes@justice.gov.uk.
If you have a loved one in HMP Lewes you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Lewes or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
Spurgeons staff at HMP Lewes have a Facebook support page and private Facebook support group for families, please contact the team to find out how you can join. You can call them on 0797 063 8276 or email shart@spurgeons.org.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0130 252 4700
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Lindholme, call the safer custody hotline on 0130 252 4731.
You may be asked to leave a message. If so, include your name, telephone number and why you’re calling, as well as the name and prisoner number of the man you’re worried about. Somebody should call you back within 24 hours.
If you have a loved one in HMP Lindholme you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Lindholme or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
You can also email the families team at HMP Lindholme directly by emailing lindholme@prisonadvice.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0138 629 5100
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Long Lartin, call the safer custody hotline on 0800 496 1455.
Leave your name, telephone number, the reason for your call and the name and prisoner number of the man you are worried about. You should be called back within 24 hours.
If you have a loved one in HMP Long Lartin you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Long Lartin or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
The Prison Advice and Care Trust (PACT) offer help and support to families and friends with someone in HMP Long Lartin. You can contact them here longlartin@prisonadvice.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0130 252 3000
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP & YOI Moorland call the safer custody hotline on 0800 496 1364.
Leave your name, the reason for your call and the name of your loved one and their prisoner number. You will be called back in 24 hours. An emergency number will always be given.
If you have a loved one in HMP & YOI Moorland you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP & YOI Moorland or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
You can also email the families team at HMP & YOI Moorland directly by emailing moorland@prisonadvice.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0192 480 3000
If you are concerned about the safety or wellbeing of a woman in HMP & YOI New Hall call the safer custody line on 0192 484 0723. You will be asked to leave a recorded message that staff will listen to. Please give the full name of the prisoner you are concerned about and include your contact number if possible.
If you have a loved one in HMP & YOI New Hall you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP & YOI New Hall or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen support children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0190 279 9700
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Oakwood call the safer custody hotline on 0190 279 9991.
If you get an answering machine, please leave as much information as possible and a telephone number for staff to call you back. You will receive a response within 24 hours.
If you have a loved one in HMP Oakwood you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Oakwood or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
You can email the visits team here: oakwood@halowbirmingham.org.uk or call the visits centre on 0121 707 1008.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 01788 523400
Safer Custody Helpline: 01788 523500
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003
Email: Correspondenceonley@justice.gov.uk
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends): 01788 523402
Domestic visitors’ identification: You may use any one form of ID from List A.
If you are unable to do this, you can use one document from List B and one form of ID from List C.
If you are unable to produce any forms of ID from these lists, you may still be able to apply under exceptional circumstances.
You are likely to be turned away from the prison if you are unable to produce any of the required ID documents at the time of your visit, or if you have not made arrangements with the prison, prior to your visit.
Booking a visit – legal/officials only: 01788 523402
Switchboard: 0207 023 7000
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Pentonville call the safer custody hotline on 0207 023 7341.
If you get an answering machine, leave as much information as possible and a telephone number for staff to call you back. You will receive a response within 24 hours.
You can also email safercustodypentonville@justice.gov.uk.
If you have a loved one in HMP Pentonville you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Pentonville or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
You can also contact the family services via pentonville@prisonadvice.org.uk or the visitors’ centre on 0207 700 0912.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 01772 444550
If you have any safeguarding concerns for residents in our care, please contact the Safer Community Preston on 01772 444801.
Safer Custody Preston email address: safercustodypreston@justice.gov.uk.
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003
Email: www.prisonersfamilies.org
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends)
To visit someone in Preston Prison you must book your visit in advance and have the required ID with you when you go.
At least one visitor must be 18 or older at every visit.
The number of visits a prisoner can have varies. You can check this with Preston Prison.
Contact Preston Prison if you have any questions about visiting.
How to book family and friends visits
You can book your visit online or by telephone.
Telephone booking line: 0330 058 8224
The booking line is open:
• Monday, Wednesday and Friday: midday to 5pm
• Tuesday and Thursday: 9am to 5pm
Visiting times
• Monday to Sunday: 2pm to 3pm and 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Domestic visitors’ identification:
Booking a visit – legal/officials only
How to book legal and professional visits
You can book a legal or professional visit by emailing HMPPSvisitbooking@justice.gov.uk
You can also book a visit by calling: 0330 058 8224
Find out about call charges
The line is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Legal visit times:
Monday to Friday AM: 9am to 10am and 10:30am to 11:30am
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday pm 2pm to 3pm and 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Official Visitors – Acceptable Forms of Identification
The following documents are examples of acceptable forms of identification for professional visitors:
Switchboard: 01925 733000
In an emergency 01925 733023 if you think a prisoner is at immediate risk of harm. Ask for the Orderly Officer and explain that your concern is an emergency.
Safer Custody Helpline: 01925 733007
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003
Email: https://www.prisonersfamilies.org/forms/hmp-risley-safer-custody-contact-form
The following documents are examples of acceptable forms of identification for professional visitors:
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends):
Telephone: 01925 733 063
Email: SocialVisitsRisley@justice.gov.uk
Domestic visitors’ identification:
Booking a visit – legal/officials only:
Telephone: 01925 733284 or 01925 733285
Switchboard: 01788 523300
Contact 01788 523300 and choose one of the following options:
Option 1 – Healthcare – this is for healthcare professionals only as we cannot discuss patients over the phone.
Option 2 – to leave a message with Safer Custody who can contact you back to alleviate any concerns.
Safer Custody Helpline: 01788 523300 option 2 to be able to leave a message on the Safer Custody Answerphone which is checked daily.
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends):
Contact 01788 523300 option 3 to book a visit with the bookings clerk.
Domestic visitors’ identification:
First visit – one picture ID such as a passport or drivers’ license and one proof of address which is less than three months old such as a bank statement or utilities bill.
Subsequent visits – Picture ID.
Booking a visit – legal/officials only:
Contact 01788 523300 option 3 to book a visit with the bookings clerk.
Switchboard: 0129 644 5000
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Spring Hill call the safer custody hotline (24 hours) on 01296 445 026.
If you have a loved one in HMP Springhill you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Spring Hill or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
For visit bookings and inquiries you can call the visitors’ centre directly on 0129 644 5243.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0178 577 3000
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Stafford, call the safer custody hotline on 0178 577 3127 and leave as much information as possible. All issues raised will be investigated.
If you have a loved one in HMP Stafford you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Stafford or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0178 079 5100
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Stocken, call the safer custody hotline on 0178 079 5213 and leave as much information as possible. All issues raised will be investigated.
If you have a loved one in HMP Stocken you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Stocken or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 01283 584000
If you have any safeguarding concerns for residents in our care, please contact the Safer Community Helpline on 01283 584109.
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003 (open Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm; weekends and Bank Holidays 10am to 3pm).
Email: Sudbury@prisonadvice.org.uk
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends):
Domestic visitors’ identification: All visitors, including children, need valid photographic ID. It must be in date.
See GOV website for more information on types of ID: (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/management-of-security-at-visits-policy-framework-open-estate/acceptable-forms-of-identification-id-when-visiting-a-prison-in-england-and-wales-annex-a).
Booking a visit – legal/officials only:
Switchboard: 0154 348 4000
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP & YOI Swinfen Hall call the safer custody hotline on 0154 348 4244 and leave a message with as much information as possible. Someone will call you back within 24 hours.
If you have a loved one in HMP & YOI Swinfen Hall you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP & YOI Swinfen Hall or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 020 8317 9777
If you are concerned about the safety, health or wellbeing of a prisoner, please contact us in the following ways:
Please be aware these three accounts are only accessed at irregular intervals between the hours of 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday
Out of hours and weekends or for urgent issues please contact our main telephone number: 020 8317 9777. This will allow you to be diverted to the most suitable area to manage your query.
ALL visitors, whether they have visited before or if it is their first time visiting, must bring a photographic ID and proof of current address with them for every visit and must be able to clearly identify themselves as the person that they are claiming to be. The proof of address must match the address submitted by the prisoner when booking the visit. If you are unable to provide this or the addresses do not match then you will not be permitted to enter.
All visitors at HMP Thameside must be appropriately dressed at all times. Failure to comply will result in you being refused entry to the establishment. The following restrictions apply to all visits of all ages. This is by no means a complete list and is reviewed regularly.
Switchboard: 01442 836300
If you have any safeguarding concerns for residents in our care, please contact the Safer Community Helpline on 01442 836531.
Prisoners’ Families Helpline: 0808 808 2003
Email: info@prisonersfamilies.org
Visiting the prison: https://www.gov.uk/prison-visits
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends): 01442 836352
Domestic visitors’ identification:
All visitors to prisons in England and Wales, other than accompanied children under the age of 16, whether visiting for social, or official purposes, are required to prove their identity before entry.
This list defines the accepted forms of ID when visiting a prison in England and Wales.
Visitors under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult, who must adhere to the ID requirement set out above. The accompanying adult has responsibility for the child, supporting the child’s relationship with the prisoner, and for giving assurances of the child’s identity.
You may use any one form of ID from List A.
If you are unable to do this, you can use one document from List B and one form of ID from List C.
If you are unable to produce any forms of ID from these lists, you may still be able to apply under exceptional circumstances.
You are likely to be turned away from the prison if you are unable to produce any of the required ID documents at the time of your visit, or if you have not made arrangements with the prison, prior to your visit.
Booking a visit – legal/officials only: professionalvisitsthemount@justice.gov.uk
Switchboard: 01925 805100
Call the safer custody/prisoners’ families helpline on 0808 808 2003.
Booking a visit – domestic visits (family and friends):
Visiting times:
Friday: 1:45pm to 3:45pm
Saturday: 1:45pm to 3:45pm
Sunday: 9:45am to 11.45am and 1:45pm to 3:45pm
To book a visit please call the booking line: 01925 805018
Visits can be booked between:
Monday to Friday – 8:30am to 12pm.
Domestic visitors’ identification
List A
List B
One form of ID from this list, together with list C.
List C
One form of ID from this list, together with list B.
Booking a visit – legal/officials only:
You can book a legal visit via the prisoner’s legal advisor.
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9am to 12pm
Booking line: 01925 805018 Booking line opening times: 8:30am to 12pm Monday to Friday
The following documents are examples of acceptable forms of identification for professional visitors:
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0192 461 2000
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Wakefield call the switchboard on 0192 461 2000 and ask to speak to the Safer Prisons department or the duty governor. In an emergency, ask for the ‘control room’. They will pass on your concerns to the orderly officer immediately.
You can also call the Safer Prisons Family Helpline on 0800 389 1108 and leave a message. It is monitored from 8am to 5pm and once after midnight.
If you have a loved one in HMP Wakefield you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Wakefield or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0139 463 3400
Please call 0139 463 3400 (24 hours) and ask for the Safer Custody hotline to report immediate concerns you may have about a resident at HMP Warren Hill.
If you have a loved one in HMP Warren Hill you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Warren Hill or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
Ormiston family services work at Warren hill and can be contacted on 0147 372 4517 or hmpwarrenhill@ormistonfamilies.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 01953 804100
If you have concerns about the safety, health or wellbeing of a man in HMP Wayland, call the safer custody hotline on 0195 380 4000.
You may be asked to leave a message. Please leave as much information as possible about your concern. All issues raised will be investigated.
If you have a loved one in HMP Wayland you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Wayland or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0193 744 4400
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP Wealstun call the safer custody (at risk) hotline on 0193 744 4774.
Leave your name, telephone number and the reason for your call. Also, leave the name and prisoner number of your loved one. You will get a call back within 24 hours.
If you have a loved one in HMP Wealstun you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Wealstun or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
You can also email the team directly on: FamilySupport.Wealstun@hmps.gsi.gov.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0178 246 3300
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a young person in HMYOI Werrington call the safeguarding line on 0178 246 3355. There is an answerphone out of hours and it is checked regularly. Please leave your name, telephone number and the reason for your call. Also, leave the name and prisoner number of your loved one.
If you have a loved one in HMYOI Werrington you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMYOI Werrington or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0194 980 3200
HMP Whatton has a safer custody hotline to call or email if you are worried about the health or safety of a resident. Please call 0194 980 3484 and leave your name, telephone number and the reason for your call. Also, leave the name and prisoner number of your loved one. You can also email safercustodywhatton@justice.gov.uk.
If you have a loved one in HMP Whatton you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Whatton or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visits information here.
For further information about the visitor centre call 0194 980 3564 or email whattonvc@rushcliffecvs.org.uk.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen support children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0196 272 3000
If you have concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a man in HMP & YOI Winchester call the safer custody hotline on 0196 272 3320. Please leave your name, telephone number and the reason for your call. Also, leave the name and prisoner number of your loved one.
If you have a loved one in HMP & YOI Winchester you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Winchester or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visits information here.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen supports children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.
Switchboard: 0208 588 3200
If you are worried about your loved one while they are a resident at HMP Wormwood Scrubs you can contact the Safer Custody team on 0208 588 3216. You may be asked to leave a voicemail. Please make sure you include:
Please wait at least 24 hours for a call back before contacting the prison again.
If you have a loved one in HMP Wormwood Scrubs you can email them via email a prisoner.
Visiting HMP Wormwood Scrubs or need to know more information about how to book a visit? You can find the most up-to-date visit information here.
For more information, support and advice on all aspects of the justice system, you can contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003 (9am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm at the weekend).
Children Heard and Seen support children, young people and their families, who are impacted by parental imprisonment. If you would like to find out more about their services, you can contact them here: info@childrenheardandseen.co.uk.