Jonas Laursen

Eye treatments

Started at Practice Plus Group


General Medical Council number






MD 2011 Syddansk Universitet, Ophthalmologist consultant & Surgeon on the Specialist Register since 2018

Private medical insurance – Approved insurers



AXA Health




Jonas Vejvad Nørskov Laursen finished Medical School in 2011 (University of Southern Denmark) and has been dealing exclusively with eyes since 2012. He subspecialised in cataract and cataract surgery and has carried out more than 2,500 surgeries worldwide.

He is a self-proclaimed perfectionist with a special focus on safety – this is reflected in his extremely low complication rate which is 10 times lower than the national average. (PCR rate in literature is 1/100 – Mr Laursen’s is less than 1/1000 at time of writing, August 2024.)

Mr Laursen joined Practice Plus Group in 2022 as a consultant ophthalmologist and spreads his time across Practice Plus Group Hospital, Shepton Mallet, Practice Plus Group Surgical Centre, Devizes and Practice Plus Group Hospital, Emersons Green.

He previously worked at Rigshospitalet hospital, Copenhagen, Royal United Hospital, Bath, Regionshospitalet Holstebro, Holstebro and Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus.

Research and publications

Mr Laursen has been involved in research primarily related to cataract surgery.

Memberships and fellowships

Mr Laursen has fellowships from India, where he has gone several times to do cataract surgery, and from Royal United Hospitals Bath.
