
Mr Venkatesh completed medical school at a prestigious institution, Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore, India and have completed higher specialist training in Trauma and Orthopaedics awarded Diplomate National Board (DNB) T&O, National Board of Examinations(NBE), India.

He pursued higher specialist training further in Orthopaedics in the United Kingdom and was awarded FRCS Edinburgh T&O and CCT T&O from RCS UK. He accomplished a research degree from Teesside University and was awarded an MCh in Orthopaedics. He pursued an MTI RCS Knee fellowship at the University Hospital of North Tees & Hartlepool and a Lower Limb Arthroplasty Fellowship at Basildon & Thurrock University Hospital. He accomplished a BOA fellowship in leadership and management in 2016 and was involved in NHS service improvement and quality improvement projects.

Research and publications

Researcher as part of a Clinical Research Trial – TOPKAT RCT – Total or Partial Knee replacement Surgery for knee arthritis – Multi-centre trial in association with Oxford group. Results were published in the The Lancet Journal.

Researcher as part of a Clinical Research Trial – ABICUS RCT – Autologous Bone marrow stem cell for cartilage defect in Knee Joint – Multi-centre Trial in association with South Hampton University Hospital. Results were published in peer peer-reviewed journals.

Memberships and fellowships

MTI RCS Knee Fellowship at University Hospital of North Tees and Hartlepool

Lower Limb Arthroplasty Fellowship at Mid & South Essex University Hospital.

BOA National Clinical Leadership Fellowship.

Good clinical practice – Research course.

Membership – BOA – British Orthopaedic Association.

Membership – IOA – Indian Orthopaedic Association.

Membership – BIOS – British -Indian Orthopaedics Society.

Hobbies and interests

I am a family man who loves to spend time with my wife and daughter. My interest includes photography, reading spiritual books and nonfiction, gardening and cooking mainly Indian food. I am health conscious and do yoga, meditation and gym and am interested in current affairs.

I like sports mainly cricket and Formula 1 and love to play cricket and golf. 

I like listening to Indian classical music and rock music. I like exploring new places, cultures and food. I am actively involved in community health activities by conducting camps and attached to NGOs to promote public health.
