
Practice Plus Group launches new patient satisfaction questionnaire

Improving the experience of each individual patient is at the heart of what Practice Plus Group stands for. To do this, obtaining feedback from patients and carers and taking into account their views and priorities are vital for us to deliver high-quality services and drive service improvements.

Following the introduction of the NHS 111 Integrated Urgent Care Patient Experience Survey specification April 2022 and incorporating guidance from the Care Quality Commission on patient feedback as well as existing learning from delivery/analysis of Patient Satisfaction Questionnaires; Practice Plus Group has updated its current patient questionnaire to a more comprehensive tool for evaluating the quality of our services and implementing service improvement.

This new patient questionnaire has been formulated with active feedback from locality commissioners, system partners, engagement leads, patient engagement and advisory groups, patient and carer groups, and learning disability leads. The online version features Google translate and an accessibility plugin to make content more accessible for people with impairments or disabilities.

Practice Plus Group’s new Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire will be used across London by all Integrated Urgent Care providers.

If you have used Practice Plus Group 111 services recently you can complete our Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire here.

You can download a copy of the new Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire here.

An easy-read version can be accessed by contacting us at:

North West London:

South West London: