GP services

Our GP services in Clapham and Brighton deliver a service designed to suit today’s busy lifestyles.

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Our GP services

We operate community general practices on behalf of the NHS, offering patients the full range of services they would expect from a local GP.

Practice Plus The Junction Health Centre
Telephone: 0300 130 3333

Practice Plus Brighton Station Health Centre
Telephone: 0333 321 0946

Services include:

We work in partnership with the NHS to ensure that patients get quick and easy access to the care they need at the right time.

Our clinical workforce enables greater delivery of proactive care to our patients. It includes GPs, advanced nurse practitioners (ANPs), prescribing pharmacists, and prescribing paramedics.

Meeting local needs

Flexibility is vital to meet the needs of patients today. All of our practices offer extended hours appointments, until 8pm on weekdays, and are open on weekends as well as being open on Saturdays, with phone lines open on Sundays. We also offer an online service for appointment booking, prescription services, access to medical records and online consultations.

Our practices serve a rich mix of populations. We work with patients from a diverse social, cultural and ethnic demographic, which allows us to identify and tackle health inequalities. Patients can also use our walk-in services even if they’re not from the local area or registered with a GP practice.

Innovation in primary care

Practice Assist is our innovative service designed to improve access for patients by providing extra remote capacity for practices.

At Practice Assist, we understand the pressure GP practices are facing with increased demands on their time and resources. Practice Assist relieves this pressure by providing extra appointment access to practices with a remote network of experienced GPs. With Practice Assist, patients get quicker access to the support they need, and your GPs have more time to manage more complex cases.

Practice Assist can also offer the flexibility in the support you need, adjusting this over time as your needs change.

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