Last week on World Hepatitis Day, Practice Plus Group offered every prisoner in HMP Wormwood Scrubs testing for hepatitis C (HCV). 87.3% of the prison population were tested as part of the three-day High-Intensity Test and Treat (HITT) intervention.

Working together with the Hepatitis C Trust and Gilead Sciences, ongoing support and treatment will be offered to patients who test positive for HCV – helping to cure the virus and prevent future transmission.
Our Health in Justice (HIJ) teams continue to test and treat all patients, with the aim of eliminating the virus from the prison population by 2025.
15 prisons where we provide healthcare have already reached the micro-elimination criteria for hepatitis C, with many more on track to achieve micro-elimination soon.
Nichola Royal, regional blood-borne virus delivery nurse manager, said:
“It was a successful few days testing at HMP Wormwood Scrubs. It felt particularly special to be able to deliver the HITT on World Hepatitis Day – the patients’ enthusiasm and engagement was fantastic!
“I’m proud to be making a difference to the health and wellbeing of patients in prison. Not only does our hepatitis C programme aim to eliminate the virus, it also seeks to set best practice and treatment pathways for the benefit of prisoners everywhere.”