
Step-by-step guide to booking your cataract surgery

If you’re experiencing cloudy or blurry vision due to cataracts, booking cataract surgery seems the natural next step. After all, it could be crucial not only to improving your eyesight, but also enhancing your general quality of life. At Practice Plus Group, we understand the importance of providing comprehensive care and support throughout your cataract surgery journey.

In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of booking your private cataract surgery. With these steps, we aim to help ensure a smooth surgery experience while bringing you closer to regaining clarity of vision.

Close up picture of two eyes, one with a cataract

Step 1: Research and gather information

Before booking your cataract surgery, it’s very important to research the procedure. Have a chat with your own optometrist. He or she will be able to advise if your cataract is ready for surgery.

You should familiarise yourself with the different types of intraocular lenses (IOLs) available, the causes and symptoms of cataracts, different surgical techniques, cataract recovery timings and the consultants performing the surgery. It’s also a good idea to study the benefits and risks associated with cataract surgery to ensure you’re comfortable with the procedure.

Step 2: Consultation with an ophthalmologist

Your search for an experienced ophthalmologist should begin by researching reputable eye clinics, hospitals or specialists in your area. Once you’ve found one that meets your needs, book an appointment with the ophthalmologist or hospital of your choice. During this appointment, you’ll be able to discuss your condition and explore the best treatment options for you.

During your appointment, the ophthalmologist will perform a comprehensive eye test to assess the type and severity of your cataracts. This will determine the most suitable treatment plan for your specific needs.

Following this, the ophthalmologist will discuss the surgical options available to you and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Step 3: Confirm insurance coverage and financing options

If you decide to proceed with cataract surgery, the next step is to understand how much cataract cataract surgery costs and how to finance it. If you’re planning on using your health insurance coverage, be sure to check whether the type of surgery you need is included in the policy. You should also ensure the consultant or hospital chosen is one of their approved providers. If you’re funding the procedure yourself, you will usually be required to pay in a one-off lump sum, or via payment plans.

At Practice Plus Group, finance through Chrysalis, our partner, is available over 12 months. 0% or longer-term options are available from 36-60 months with 14.9% APR.

Step 4: Scheduling the surgery

With the guidance of your ophthalmologist, the next step is to schedule the date for your surgery. Along with your own availability, you should consider whether your support network can work around your chosen date. On the day of the surgery, you’ll need someone to drive you to and from your procedure. It’s also a good idea to have someone help you out with everyday household chores.

The ophthalmology service will provide you with all the necessary details regarding the surgery. This will include the location, arrival time, and duration of the procedure.

Waiting time for private cataract surgery

Typically, the average waiting time for private cataract surgery is a few weeks after your appointment. At Practice Plus Group, you will usually have cataract surgery within a few weeks of your appointment depending on location.

Step 5: Preparing for surgery

After your initial appointment, you will receive detailed instructions on how to prepare for your cataract surgery.

This may come in the form of fasting in the hours leading up to the procedure. The purpose is to reduce the risk of complications if the surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic or sedation. Additionally, you may be advised to temporarily adjust or discontinue certain medications. This especially includes those that could interfere with anaesthesia or increase the risk of bleeding. Your medical team will be able to advise further.

Inform the hospital about any allergies you may have and all the medications you are currently taking. This includes over-the-counter drugs and supplements. They will guide you on which medications to take and which to avoid before and after the surgery.

Step 6: Day of surgery

On the day of your cataract surgery, you will be welcomed by staff upon your arrival at your treatment centre. They will help you prepare for surgery. The procedure itself is relatively simple and typically takes about 15 minutes. Of course, some cases are more complex, meaning the operation can take up to half an hour or more.

Cataract surgery is typically painless. You will feel pressure in the eye during surgery, but you should feel no pain. You will receive a local anaesthetic to ensure your comfort. The surgical procedure is typically performed as a day case on an outpatient basis, meaning you can return home on the same day. After the surgery, you will be given post-operative instructions and any necessary medications.

Step 7: Post-operative care, recovery, and follow-up

After your cataract operation, proper post-op care is crucial for making a full recovery. The following are important factors to bear in mind:

  • Immediate recovery: In the hours following your surgery, you will be given specific instructions to ensure a smooth immediate recovery. It is normal to experience some mild discomfort, itching, redness and sensitivity to bright lights in the operated eye. It’s very important to avoid touching or rubbing your eye during this time.
  • Rest and healing: It’s important to take some time to rest and allow your eye to heal properly. Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and anything that may put a strain or increase your risk of getting dirt or dust in your eyes. Your eye surgeon will provide guidelines on how long you should refrain from certain activities.
  • Eye protection: During the initial recovery period, you may need to wear glasses or a protective eye shield. This is to prevent accidental injury or rubbing of the operated eye. It is important that you don’t touch or rub your eye following your surgery.
  • Follow-up appointments: Your healthcare provider will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure proper healing. These appointments are essential for assessing your visual acuity improvement and addressing any concerns you may have.
  • Medications and eye drops: Your ophthalmologist will prescribe specific eye drops to use during the recovery period. These drops aim to prevent infection, reduce inflammation, irritation, and promote healing. Be sure to follow the prescribed usage instructions and complete the full course of medication.
  • Vision changes: It’s normal to experience some temporary changes in your vision after cataract surgery. Your near and distance vision may initially be blurry or distorted, but it should gradually improve as your eye heals.
  • Lifestyle adjustments: As you recover from cataract surgery, it’s important to make some temporary lifestyle adjustments. Avoid swimming, gardening, or activities that may expose your eyes to potential contaminants or excessive moisture. You will need to refrain from wearing eye makeup or using certain skincare products near your eyes.

Remember, every patient’s cataract surgery recovery process may vary, so it’s crucial to closely follow the instructions given.

Expert eye care at Practice Plus Group hospitals

Booking your cataract surgery at Practice Plus Group is a straightforward process guided by experienced professionals who prioritise your comfort and well-being.

Don’t let cataracts hinder your quality of life – take the first step today and book your cataract surgery with Practice Plus Group.

Contact us now to schedule your consultation and embark on a path towards brighter, clearer vision.
