
Mr Obinna Mba graduated from medical school in 1999 at Abia State University, Nigeria. He did his postgraduate training in North West Thames rotating across various hospitals such as Chelsea and Westminster, Imperial College Healthcare and North West London Hospitals NHS Trusts. He has over fifteen years’ experience working in gynaecology and has a special interest in benign abdominal surgery (open and laparoscopic), vaginal surgery, outpatient gynaecological treatments and colposcopy.

Mr Mba is a consultant gynaecologist employed at the employed at University Hospital Southampton since 2015 and joined the team at Practice Plus Group Hospital, Southampton in 2018.

At Practice Plus Group Hospital, Southampton, he runs a general gynaecology clinic, a menstrual disorders and procedures clinic and a surgical operating list. He adopts a holistic, patient-centred and evidence-based approach and in conditions where surgery is needed, is highly skilled in performing laparoscopic (keyhole), hysteroscopic and vaginal surgery.

Research and publications

He has been involved in educational research, published multiple articles in peer-reviewed journals and presented at national and international conferences. He is an honorary senior clinical lecturer at the University of Southampton, the regional lead for undergraduate clinical education in obstetrics and gynaecology and is actively involved in postgraduate medical education in Wessex region.

Fellowships and memberships

He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and the Higher Education Academy. He is a member of the British Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP) and the British Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy.

He is a member of various professional colleges, national committees, published multiple articles in peer-reviewed journals and presented on national and international conferences. He has a regional lead role in undergraduate clinical education.

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