Michael Bishay


Started at Practice Plus Group


General Medical Council number





MB ChB – (Honours), FRCS (primary & Final), FRCS (Orthopaedics)

Private medical insurance – Approved insurers



Bupa Global


Healix Health Services


Mr Bishay retired from the Royal united Hospital after serving as a consultant Orthopaedic surgeon for 25 years in January 2020.

Mr Bishay started working as a part time consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon in Practice Plus Group Hospital, Shepton Mallet in 2014 mainly to do revision hip surgery for a cohort of Metal on metal patients. Following the completion of the revision procedure on approximately 400 patients he remained practicing only in revision hip surgery and lower limp arthroplasty.

Mr Bishay is widely experienced in aspects of trauma and reconstructive surgery. His specialist interest lies in hip reconstruction (Joint replacement & revision surgery), conservative surgery for the young adult hip. Large joint reconstruction. He also had a major interest in research and education the field of Orthopaedic surgery.

Research and publications

Mr Bishay has published the following papers: Sleeve fracture of the upper pole of the patella, Conservative management of transverse fractures of the sacrum with neurological features, Osteoarthritis of the hip in farmers, Assessment of hip abductor function in relation to peritrochanteric heterotopic ossification following closed femoral nailing, Who should check our tools?, The results of external fixation of the radius in the treatment of comminuted intra-articular fractures of the distal end, Failure of the sliding hip screw in the treatment of femoral neck fractures: ‘Left-handed surgeons for left-sided hips’, Displaced fractures of the proximal humerus: A case report which highlights the difference in outcome using two orthodox methods of treatment, Problems with the Rotaflex: a 10 year review of a rotating hinge prosthesis, Avascular necrosis and the Aberdeen splint in development dysplasia of the hip, Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 for treatment of open tibial fractures: a prospective, controlled, randomized study of four hundred and fifty patients, The efficacy of the A-V Impulse system in the treatment of posttraumatic swelling following ankle fracture: a prospective randomized controlled study, Intramedullary nailing of the tibial diaphysis: factors affecting fracture healing in closed and grade 1 open fractures, Acetabulat cement mantle and component position : are we achieving ideal results?, Leg length discrepancy in total hip arthroplasty with the use of cemented and uncemented stem. A prospective radiological study.

Memberships and fellowships

Member of the British Medical Association, Member of the British Orthopaedic Association, Member of the American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Member of the British Trauma Society (Honorary Secretary 1997-2000), Member of the clinical society of Bath, External adviser to MHRA, Reviewer and associate editor for hip international., Reviewer for BMJ case reports.