Urethral dilation procedure
Choose the right path for your individual needs.
At Practice Plus Group we offer fast access to high-quality urethral dilation procedure via self-pay, insured and NHS routes.
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Urethral dilation prices and locations
Urethral dilation procedure
Emersons Green
Emersons Green
Urethral dilation procedure
Shepton Mallet
Shepton Mallet
Urethral dilation procedure
Urethral dilation procedure
Urethral dilation procedure
Emersons Green
Urethral dilation procedure
Shepton Mallet
Urethral dilation procedure
Urethral dilation procedure
Urethral Dilation is a procedure that involves the gentle stretching of the urethra, the tube through which you pass urine. A thin plastic rod is passed into the urethra either under local or general anaesthetic. Rods of increasing thickness are gently inserted to gradually widen the stricture.
Why choose Practice Plus Group?
At Practice Plus Group Hospitals we’re passionate about giving patients a positive experience and excellent clinical outcomes, with personalised care every step of the way. Whether you’re paying for yourself or using private medical insurance, with our short waiting times, unrivalled Care Quality Commission (CQC) ratings and high levels of cleanliness and infection control, we’ll make sure you’re looked after. In fact, we were the first provider to have all services rated ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ by the CQC.
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