Petros Mikalef


Started at Practice Plus Group


General Medical Council number





Ptychio Iatrikes 1996 (Medical Diploma – MBBS equivalent) Aristotle University ofThessaloniki

Exit exams in Orthopaedics and Trauma in Greece (FRCS in Trauma and Orthopaedics equivalent) June 2006 (Thessaloniki, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

European Diploma in Hand Surgery (FESSH) June 2014

Private medical insurance – Approved insurers


AXA Health


Healix Health Services




Petros Mikalef is a Consultant Orthopaedic Hand and Spasticity surgeon who works at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham. He has completed Fellowship training in Hand Surgery and in Spasticity Surgery, in 2013. His classification system for surgical neurectomy has been adopted internationally.

He has significant experience in the operative treatment of elective hand Pathology, like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, Dupuytren’s contracture, Arthritis of the base of the thumb, trigger finger, excision of ganglions, neuromas and other soft tissue lumps. He is the PI in his Hospital for the UNDER Study.

His practice involves interventional treatment of focal Spasticity of the Upper and Lower Limb in Adults. He has organised Upper and Lower Limb Spasticity MDT Clinics at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. He has extended experience in the surgical treatment of Upper Limb Spasticity As well as selective neurectomies of the lower limb for Spasticity. His practice also involves elective Hand Surgery at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, a regional Centre for elective Hand Surgery. He works closely with the Centre of Peripheral Nerve Surgery at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Petros is a recognised tutor for the BSSH Hand Diploma and is actively involved in training. His research interests involve standardising preoperative assessment, and patient reported outcome measures for spasticity.

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