Nigel Borley


Started at Practice Plus Group


General Medical Council number






Private medical insurance – Approved insurers



Bupa Global


Healix Health Services




Mr Nigel Borley is a Consultant Urologist Surgeon at Practice Plus Group Hospital, Southampton.

He attended Southampton Medical School, where he served as Medical Society President, and began his career as a junior doctor at Southampton General Hospital, including a stint in A&E. His middle grade training took place in London and the South East, involving institutions such as The Royal Marsden Hospital, Great Ormond Street Hospital, The Institute of Urology, and St George’s Hospital Medical School.

Before joining Practice Plus Group, he worked as a Consultant at Guy’s Hospital, The Royal Marsden Hospital, and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. At Chelsea and Westminster, he was an Urologist to The Royal Hospital Chelsea and part of the MDT for The National Centre for HIV and Hepatitis fertility treatment. He also had a private practice based at The Lister Hospital before deciding to move out of the congestion of London.

Mr Borley has a special interest in Andrology (male genital surgery and infertility) and the Psychosexual causes and treatment for sexual function difficulties. He has been part of the Andrology Team at University Hospital Southampton.

Research and publications

Mr Borley has been involved in and presented the findings of research at several international meetings on a variety of topics, including bladder function, kidney cancer, benign prostatic disease, prostate cancer, and penile function. His thesis, for which the was awarded a Master of Surgery degree, was on the topic of prostate cancer.

Memberships and fellowships

Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine (where he is on the council for the Urology Section and is the immediate past Secretary to the President of the section)

Member of The British Society of Sexual Medicine

Member of the British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) where he has a particular interest in widening participation in Urology for under-represented groups and continue to be part of the BAUS committee dedicated to improving Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

Hobbies and interests

Mr Borley enjoys sailing and has a RYA Yacht Master qualification, watching and playing tennis, and performing arts having previously acted in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

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