Lydia Knoell


Started at Practice Plus Group


General Medical Council number







Qualified as an Anaesthesiologist

Qualification for emergency medical service

PhD, doctoral studies: Zur wachtumsbeeinflussenden Wirkung von 4-desoxy-Pyridoxin auf Vitamin-B6-abhängig wachsende Mammakarzinome

Study of medicine at the J. W. Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main

Registration “Specialist for Acupuncture & Diploma Diagnostic and Therapy F.X. Mayr

Private medical insurance – Approved insurers


Alliance Health Corporate


AXA Health

Healix Health Services



Dr Lydia Knoell graduated from the Medical Faculty of J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 1986. She started her medical career in general medicine and paediatrics and then began her training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Medicine and Emergency Medicine in 1990.

Dr Knoell qualified as a specialist in Anaesthesia in 1996 and began working as a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Unit at the General District Hospital Erlenbach am Main, Germany. She moved to the UK in 2007 where she worked in UK in hospitals: Orthopaedic Treatment Centre Runcorn, St Mary’s NHS Hospital IOW and Practice Plus Group, Shepton Mallet with main focus in orthopaedic procedures. She also currently works in Sulis Hospital, Bath.

Lydia’s main interests are in optimizing postoperative pain release by performing central regional anaesthesia (spinals) and all varieties of ultrasound guided peripheral regional anaesthesia (nerve blocks). In cases where general anaesthesia is appropriate it is performed as a Total Intravenous Anaesthesia.

Memberships and fellowships

Lydia has also been involved in teaching & training throughout her career including Nurses & Medical trainees teaching, anaesthesiology, intensive care and alternative and special personal protections requirements during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Hobbies and interests

Lydia’s personal interests include World literature, theatre & traveling.