Joe Tyrrell


Started at Practice Plus Group


General Medical Council number





EDRA (European Diploma of Regional Anaesthesia) 2013

FRCA (Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists) 2008

MRCP (Membership of the Royal College of Physicians) 2003

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery) (University of London) 2000

BSc Biomedical Science (University of London) 1997


Joe has twenty-four years’ post-grad medical experience in the UK (and some in Australia), with twenty years’ experience as an anaesthetist. He has been a consultant since 2013.

His undergraduate medical training was St George’s Hospital Medical School (University of London) and most of his postgraduate medical and anaesthetics training was in the Wessex region (Southampton, Bournemouth, Poole and Dorchester).

Joe is an experienced NHS Consultant Anaesthetist primarily based at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton alongside PPG Shepton.

Joe’s clinical specialty interests include anaesthesia for complex major surgery, including orthopaedics, peri-operative optimisation, regional anaesthesia and patient blood management. My non-clinical interests currently involve orthopaedic surgery pathway development, and educational supervision of anaesthetic postgraduate doctors-in-training.

Hobbies and interests

Joe currently lives in South Somerset with has wife, three boys aged 12, 10 and 9, and a yellow Labrador. When not standing on football touchlines, he likes to cycle and cook (but not at the same time).