Finn Nesbitt


Started at Practice Plus Group


General Medical Council number





Neuroscience BSc, University of Edinburgh

CCT Anaesthesia, London School of Anaesthesia

FRCA, Royal College of Anaesthetists

MBChB Medicine – University of Edinburgh

Private medical insurance – Approved insurers


AXA Health

Healix Health Services



Mr Nesbitt is a highly experienced Consultant Anaesthetist with a passion for providing exceptional care to his patients. He obtained a degree in Neuroscience and Medicine from the University of Edinburgh and completed Specialist Training at the London School of Anaesthesia, where he gained invaluable experience working in a variety of specialist hospitals in central London, including The Royal Free, UCH, and Great Ormond Street.

Mr Nesbitt’s expertise extends beyond the UK, having spent six months working in A&E in New Zealand. He has also worked as a Consultant Anaesthetist at Homerton Hospital in London, Southmead Hospital in Bristol, and Leeds General Infirmary.

At Practice Plus Group in Bristol, Mr Nesbitt served as Resuscitation Lead for three years before becoming Lead Consultant for Resident Doctor training and shoulder/upper limb anaesthesia. He is committed to providing consistently high standards of care, ensuring safe and satisfied patient journeys. Mr Nesbitt places great importance on alleviating patient anxiety and uses warmth, reassurance, and clear communication to allay patient fears.

Mr Nesbitt’s experience in acute pain management covers all age groups, and he has a keen interest in regional anaesthesia techniques, including the insertion and management of spinals, epidurals, PCAs, and oral analgesia regimens.


Mr Nesbitt carried out research projects on the functional testing of an anaesthesia machine designed to deliver safe anaesthetic care the Developing World and challenging environments. Previously, he has also been involved with high altitude physiology research in the Bolivian Andes.

Memberships and fellowships

Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, London with an interest in regional anaesthesia.