David Stitson


Started at Practice Plus Group


General Medical Council number





MBBS, London FRCS (Trauma & Orth), Royal College of Surgeons, London

Private medical insurance – Approved insurers


AXA Health


Bupa Global


Healix Health Services




Mr David Stitson trained in medicine at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, graduating with honours in 1991. As an undergraduate he was awarded a medical cadetship with the Royal Air Force and went on to become a regular serving medical officer. Mr Stitson undertook higher surgical training in trauma and orthopaedics in Plymouth, Truro, Oxford and Middlesbrough. He also received fellowship level training in lower limb arthroplasty in Melbourne, Australia.

Having been awarded the certificate of completion of surgical training, Mr Stitson was appointed as a military consultant orthopaedic surgeon at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth in 2002. During the next few years Mr Stitson deployed to military field hospitals in Iraq and Afghanistan on numerous occasions gaining extensive experience in the management of battlefield injuries. Between deployments, however, he continued to develop a high volume lower limb joint replacement practice in Plymouth. Having left the Royal Air Force, Mr Stitson was invited to join the consultant team at Practice Plus Group Hospital, Plymouth in 2014 to provide a revision hip and knee replacement service.

Mr Stitson has continued to work at Practice Plus Group Hospital, Plymouth where he offers a full range of primary hip and knee replacement options, including partial knee replacement and custom-made hip replacement solutions in addition to his experience and expertise and in revision hip and knee replacement surgery.