As of 1st April 2025, we will be having a 5% price increase. All appointments booked on or before 31st March 2025 will be honoured at our current prices, even if your surgery is booked after 1st April.
Alexandra studied at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, where she laid the foundation for her medical career graduating in 2014 with both her medical degree and an additional degree in Sports and Exercise Medicine. She completed her GP training in Bristol and subsequently worked as a GP in Bristol city before moving to work in South Australia and obtaining her fellowship of the RACGP. Since returning to the UK she has worked in Emergency Medicine and Primary care in both a routine and urgent capacity. Most recently she has completed a certificate in medical education at Bristol University.
Alexandra still works for BrisDoc as a salaried GP across the medical admissions service and urgent care and has previously worked in various capacities across the South West in primary and secondary care, most recently as a salaried GP in Hanham.
Special interests
Alexandra works across the full spectrum of primary healthcare but has a particular interest in musculoskeletal medicine. She holds a BSc in Sports and Exercise Medicine, along with her medical degree and a Diploma in Musculoskeletal Medicine, holding diplomate fellowship of the Faculty or Sports and Exercise medicine. Additionally, she is passionate about medical education and has experience training medical students in primary care.
Hobbies and interests
Outside of work, Alexandra is an avid sports enthusiast participating in multiple sports as well as being a long suffering fan of Bristol Rugby Club.