To celebrate International Nurses Day, Practice Plus Group has gathered stories and words of wisdom from nurses around the business who were kind enough to share their thoughts and experiences.

Nazia Kauser, Registered Nurse, Ophthalmology
Favourite part about your role:
“Everything. Working with my colleagues in theatre, as a scrub assistant with the doctor, looking after admitting pre and post-surgery patients and working in clinic. I like the skill mix and working in different areas.”
Why did you want to become a nurse:
“My mum wanted me and my sister to be independent as not many Asian girls were studying further at that time (in the 1990s and early 2000s), so she encouraged us to have a career. I chose nursing. I wanted a job in healthcare looking after people, a well-deserving job.”
Diena Bench, Safeguarding Hub Lead
Tell us about your nursing history: “I Initially practised as a midwife in acute high dependency, community, and GP units. I then worked for the Department of Health in a research capacity focusing on the inequalities in health in the UK.
“I was then the head of services for a major high street retailer’s charitable foundation, which sponsors genetic research. It was a fascinating job, and I got to go to London Fashion Week!
“Now, I’m responsible for the development and management of the Safeguarding Hub, and I’m a specialist adviser to the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
“My career development was unconventional, showing you can follow any number of career opportunities.”
Laura Hayes, Head of Healthcare, Court Custody
Tell us about your role: “I am managing an exciting new project – setting up healthcare in courts. It’s exciting as it is the first pilot of its kind in the country. I assess the physical and mental health of those arriving for court prior to their case hearing, after the hearing, and before their release from court.
“The thing I love most is when I know that I have helped someone and made a difference. I really enjoy speaking to such a diverse group of people.”
Dr Cindy Chacha Mannie, Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Urgent Care
What made you want to become a nurse: “It was an interest in helping people offering support and helping those in need, as well as job security and supporting my family.”
Describe your role: “Assessment, diagnosis and management of injury and illness of a variety of age groups that present to Urgent Care.”
What advice would you give to someone starting their nursing career:
“There are a wide range of roles in nursing: you may need to focus and follow the pathway you find most rewarding. It’s hard work but do not give up, it will pay off and the job satisfaction cannot be measured.”
International Nurses Day is celebrated each year on the 12th May, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. The day highlights the enormous contribution made by nurses to the health and wellbeing of patients everywhere.
Kate Carter, director of nursing, believes the importance of celebrating the day has never been more essential. She said: “This past year has shown what it means to be a nurse. The responsibility, care, skill, and passion that’s needed to show up every day and perform a nursing role, is simply heroic.
“Any people who work in healthcare, especially nurses, are blind to the amazing work they themselves do. Instead, they say: ‘I was just doing my job.’ They forget that it takes a special kind of person to do this job, not just anyone can do it. They chose to, they worked hard to get here, and they continue to work hard every day.
“My message to all nurses is to take pride in what you do; believe in yourself and your ever-evolving skillset and to know that the care you provide matters.
I would also like to say thank you to all our nurses for dedicating their careers to delivering an extraordinary quality of patient care in increasingly pressured times. You are a continued source of inspiration in your commitment to providing excellent patient care.”