Five tips for your first day at a new job

Your first day at a new job can become a bit of a blur, from meeting lots of new people to remembering where the bathroom is. We’re here to guide you through the day and provide a few useful tips for getting the very most out of it.

Woman smiling in an office on the first day at a new job
Introducing yourself to colleagues and try to relax

First things first… congratulations on your new role! You made it through the interview stages and now here you are ready to take the next step in your career.

Since there’s been an increase in working from home due to the pandemic, our advice covers it all. Whether you’re venturing in or virtually connected.

Prepare the night before

Instead of panicking in the morning, plan everything you’ll need for your first day; from what you’re going to wear to your lunch to any tools or stationary you may need. All these things are also relevant for working from home too – even if you can change what you want to wear at the last moment!

Plan how to get there

If it’s an on-site job, be sure to plan your commute. Whether you’re driving, getting the train, or riding your bike, planning your journey will ensure you’re not late on your first day.

On other hand, if you’re working from home it’s good to think about where you’re going to work in your house. Think where you can be most focused and clear of distractions.

Ask questions

Show your enthusiasm for the role by asking lots of questions and finding out more about the company. As well as making a good impression, it’ll help you when you get stuck in your work.

Get ready for introductions

There’s a chance you’ll be meeting a lot of new people on your first day and remembering all their names can be tricky. Here’s a few ways to help you remember:

Relax and be yourself

It’s normal to make mistakes on your first day, so try not to focus on it too much if something does go wrong. Your new colleagues will understand and will be there to help you learn.

And most importantly, don’t be afraid to be yourself. They’ve hired you not just for your skillset, but for your personality and fit for the team.

We hope these tips will help you on your first day at new role!