M.D. Diploma of General Medicine, Masaryk’s University
Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation Care I and II degree (1996, 2002) – Czech Republic
European Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine (2015)
Private medical insurance – Approved insurers
AXA Health
Healix Health Services
Dr David Betak become a specialist in anaesthesia, intensive care and chronic pain therapy in 2002. After working at District Hospital Kyjov, Czech Rep (1993-2006) and Mater Dei, Malta University Hospital (2006-2008), he moved to the UK in 2008 and worked at Bedford NHS Trust, UK (2008-2012). Dr Betak joined the team at Practice Plus Group Hospital, Southampton in 2012.
Dr Betak has a special interest in General anaesthesia and Peripheral Regional anaesthesia.