Pay for your treatment
Consultation within 1-2 weeks
Surgery within 4-6 weeks*
Honest pricing – package price, with no hidden costs
Experts in hips, knees, eyes, hernias and more
Trusted by over 70,000 customers last year
Consultation within 1-2 weeks
Surgery within 4-6 weeks*
Honest pricing – package price, with no hidden costs
Experts in hips, knees, eyes, hernias and more
Trusted by over 70,000 customers last year
treatments carried out last month
or 'Good' ratings by CQC
clean record for hospital acquired infections
of patients recommend Practice Plus Group
Wellsoon is a service from Practice Plus Group that provides a range of treatments for patients paying for themselves or paying by private medical insurance. With no hidden costs, you’ll pay less than you might think and be back to your best sooner than you thought.
A member of the Practice Plus Group team will take payment over the phone when they make the outpatient appointment booking for you.
You can pay for your surgery by debit card, credit card or through a bank transfer (BACS). We accept all major cards except American Express and Diners Club. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept payment by cheque.
We require payment in full to have been received at least seven days before the planned date of your surgery.
Yes, there are a number of different loans available through our partner Chrysalis Medical Finance. You will need to have an agreement in place with Chrysalis Medical Finance two weeks before the planned date of your surgery.
Please contact your private medical insurer to find out if your policy will cover the surgery that has been recommended and that it can take place at a Practice Plus Group hospital. Currently, we are unable to accept Bupa policyholders if they are making payment through their policy.